Chapter Fifteen

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Smoke Out


Walking out of her building, I felt the most fucked up in my life. I can't believe I said all that shit to her face, all remember was yelling at her accusing her of shit just because I knew...It's been a question I have asked myself a million times and I knew she knew the answer to it. 

"Fuck!" I said passing my hand on my face. 

Getting into the car I came with, I drove home in a rush. The phone call I got a while ago was from Aiden asking me where I was and how Father was looking for me. Walking in, I noticed the place was busier than usual, maids and security were running about the entire place. Seeing some severs in a line, I knew it means they were on their a practics run, I've seen it all too many times. Following them, we walked into the event hall, I watched as some men placed panners and curtains up and the servers walked to the tables. 

Looking around, I saw my father directing some people who were placing a long table to the front. I guess it was for our family to sit at.  Walking up, I waited for him to stop talking before clearing my throat to get his attention, he spun around quickly and asked. 

"Axel where have you been? The guards said you didn't return since last night."

"I'm here now, What's going on?" I asked looking around again.

"The Fall charity event is in 3 days, I'm making sure things are ready beforehand. Go take a shower boy, you don't look too pleasing."He said looking at me disappointed. 

"Yeah I know, Im not coming out for the rest of the day," I said as I turned around leaving the hall. 

"What! We have things to get done!" He shouted after me. 

"I need a break Dad" I responded as I dug in my pocket digging for the pack of cigarettes I had. 

Lighting one up, I walked through the castle and went straight to my room. Laying backing on my couch I just watched the ceiling as my words replayed over and over, not only that, the way her eyes looked when she told me off this morning... I know I done crossed the line. I don't even know why this bothers me so much... was it her eyes, the way she was confused and angry or the fact that I knew she's different. 

"Axel?" I heard someone ask coming into my room. 

Sitting up, I looked back and saw Aiden, he had his hair all done and he wore a red turtle neck with some match pants. Wonder where he's off to?

"Mm?" I hummed as I blew the smoke out 

"What happened to you? You look a mess," he said in disgust 

He wasn't lying I knew that for sure, my hair was all over the place, I haven't showered and I knew my clothes had the faded scent of whiskey from my fall. I didn't have the energy to even open my room up, everything was just covered in darkness and I honestly didn't mind it.

"Where are you off to?" I asked out the cigarette. 

"I was supposed to go somewhere with Aurora but she not answering my calls," he explained as he sat down.

I just nodded my head in response... She was probably too upset and that's all on me. 

'"I don't know what's going on with her. She tried calling me last night but I was asleep and now...She doesn't even want to answer me. Have you heard from her?" He said flipping his phone in his hands. 

"Aiden... I um" Just as I was about to tell him, his phone started ringing.

"Hey, are you okay? Where are you, I'm coming over?" he asked getting up excitedly and walking towards my door.

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