Chapter Fourteen

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Somewhere to Rock Bottom


Tell me how in a matter of seconds we went from sitting on my couch to us fighting, it was like there will never be a normal conversation between us. As he accused me of god knows, what his body started drifting side to side, how could half of a whiskey bottle get his ass drunk? A normal person could drink about two bottles before they got this drunk.. then again..a normal person, to me, is someone from the  Caribbean. 

Just as he swayed his way into the hallway, I saw as he stepped back then



That fall could've been heard from downstairs. Running towards him, I saw that he was unconscious. Slapping his checks I tried my best not to panic and just hope he would open his eyes.

"Axel," I said softly, his eyes opened for a split second but then it was closed again

"Come on, I can't have a dead prince on my floor. I know you hate me but you don't wanna see me go to jail.... that's if you wake up" I said softly while holding his head up. 

After a few minutes, of calling his name and slapping him, I was starting to actually panic now. Laying his head back down gently, I got up, ran to the couch grabbing a pillow and placing it under him before running to my room. I picked up my phone and called the one person who would help me...and let's just say it's not the opps. 

"Hello, wah yuh want G?" she asked answering on the second ring
(Hello, what do you want?)

"Fuck! Lilly, I need your help, I got a fucking dead prince on my floor and I dunno what to do. One minute we were fighting the next he on the floor an-"

"Wait wait, he really dead?" she asked

Lilly is the most get to the point person I know. Twenty-one years old, born and raised on the island of Trinidad, Eliana or Lily as she likes to be called is what we like to call a realist. She is one of those people who will kill for you or help you hide a body if you ever need one hidden, no information needed. Lily and I knew each other since the age of seven, and we have been friends since the day we met in our village basketball courts aka the meetup place. 

"I don't know, I tried getting him to wake up but nothing," I said walking back to the living room.

"Clown, just check his heart or something nah" she yelled at me.

"Okay okay," I said walking to him.

Placing my hand on his wrist, I checked for a pulse but nothing. Laying my head on his chest I listen and I heard his heart beating kinda slow. 

"I hear it beating, but slow," I said putting her on speaker as I sat next to him

"Okay, that's good. Now tell me exactly what happened?" she asked using her Doctor tone one me.... wait did I mention Lily is a doctor.. no.. well now you know.

"Well.  We were talking then he started drinking, then things got heated and not the good kind of heated. He started yelling about some shit about how I wanted the throne to become Queen and I was just trying to help next thing I know he's on my fucking floor." I tried to explain

"Rora, he got angry and he was drinking. What was his lightweight ass even drinking?" she asked while laughing

"Half bottle of whiskey," I said softly while I looked at him.

"Oh he'll live, he properly never have a proper meal before or for the day, dunce man again. Anyways I have to go it's 10 am here and I have work, get him on a bed or something. I'll talk to you tonight, well your morning anyways, I just want to know how you meet a shitting Prince" She said before hanging up. 
(Dunce = Stupid)

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