An Eye Opener

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~Axel ~

This morning, after the hospital discharged Aurora and I made sure to drop her home. I left her in the care Liyah

I gave her a quick hug before returning home to get some rest.

Aiden went home around 3 am, because he made it his mission to speak with Kaya's father this morning. We did ofcourse had a small chat about what exactly to say to King Cabello  regarding his absence and last night incident.

Walking into the castle, I was playing with my keys tossing it into the air and then catching it when I heard a booming voice echoing  throughout the halls. It was like he could sense that I was there.


Rolling my eyes, I walked up the stairs to find my father rushing towards me as if the building was on fire.

"Father," I said calmly, approaching him.

"Boy, have you gone insane?" He shouted

" What have gone mad for this time ?" I asked

Coming up to me, he stuck out his pointer finger in my face, and in a warning tone, he said, " Don't you dare play with me, I will send you back again."

That triggered me. Those words were like taking a knife and piercing it through my chest over and over again . With my head hanging low, I covered up my anxiousness with a mischievous laugh and looked at him through my eyelashes.

" You laugh at such a serious matter! A mistress Axel!. Do you know how many emails I have revied with photographs of last night?"

"I will handle it,"  I said sternly

"Handle it? Axel, it's merely days before the wedding, and look at the mess you've caused. I've already put the publicist team on it. As of now, I just simply want the truth." He said, stepping away from me and pacing the room.

"What truth do you speak of? " I asked, lost.

" The truth about Aurora Bishop! " he shouted

For a moment, the room stood still in silence before I spoke again. It was as if the world was waiting on my answer.

"Father, Aurora is not my mistress. We are somewhat together, but it's not public because -"

" You have yet to tell him.." he interrupted ,giving me a look of disappointment.

" I tried to, but I couldn't. I wanted to tell him, Father, he needs to know in order for them to stop. I don't want the public to go to this extreme again . They circled around her and made her suffer a panic attack because of the accusations that were thrown onto her in front of Bellé. She just wanted to go home. "

"Axel, you can't be this ignorant. You can't have a secret relationship. That's - "

" Like the one we had? " a voice asked

"Not now, Anna," Father said, not turning around. He knew immediately who it was.

"No, now is a great time. You did the same thing to me except, it was all a one man show. Your father and I were in a relationship when he knew he was betrothed to another. He hid the news from me anyway, giving me  false hope and lame excuses as to why we couldn't be public. That was till someone exposed our where abouts one day to the press.

You sure handled that situation, didn't you, Alexander? You made sure everything disappeared, and then from that day onwards, you acted differently when we were seen in public."

"Anna, you know this is completely different." He defended

" Shut up!" She yelled, making him go silent.
The only woman I have ever seen who is brave enough to speak to him like that.

" The only thing different here is that Axel has a brother to do the job for him. You," she said, pointing to me. " Go tell your brother the truth now because if this news gets to his ear, you are done for. Don't hurt him any more than you already have. This is my last warning. Aurora came here to follow her dreams, yet now she has fallen. Don't make her regret it. Stop having her sit in the shadows because, as of now, Axel, that light is catching up."

"Yes, Aunt Anna," I said, defeated. I believe I understood exactly what she means by all this.

" You know I'm sorry," Father peeped

"You're not.  For years, you kept me here doing your job. I kept Bellé here because you asked me to help. You knew Bellé would help Neave because of tourism, and I agreed to do it once you promised to get our little island back on her feet again. That's was my last favor, and what have you done for the past ten years? Pass the problem baton to your son. "

"Do you dare to accuse your King of not doing his duty?!" He shouted, trying to shut her down because of his ego.

Laughing, she turned and walked close to him. " You are no King Alexander. Neave is bankrupt and going doing to the dirt because all you have done is make sure you look good on paper. Tourism is what keeps this island going. My brand, company, is what keeps Neave going. Not the so-called king who hides behind his queen's ass and pretends as if he's doing something.

A real king would've done his duty to make our nation better. Till now, you still act as if I don't know you... when everything I have done so far is out of love, but not anymore.

Once Axel is crowned, Belle is moving its headquarters, and this island is to fend on its own with the Cabello's nation at it side. Just as you have planned, Xander.
You have done me and this nation wrong for too long, and I'm done. Broken promises, sinful acts...I'm tired, " she said

"Anna...I- "

" What promises? " I asked, interrupting him

"He was to marry her for 2 years, then divorce." Her voice started to get shakey." He promised that when it happened, he would come back to me, but he didn't. I stayed thinking he would rule and lead us to betterment, but instead, he used me staying as an advantage to pretend to love me, but in reality, my work was giving the island everything it needed. "

I told Aiden to do the same... am I really like my father. I didn't know yet I feel like I'm should've.

"Anna, you know I couldn't divorce her after everything."

" That's why you said you don't want me releating hisory."  I muttered out, connecting the dots in my head.

" Be quiet, Xander. Your words mean nothing to me. I'm only here for the boys and Neave,now I know the nation will be in better hands. I wish not to help nor stay. " She said softly before kissing my cheek and descending the stairs.

She sure does know how to leave an impression and do a dramatic exit.

Turning to father, I watched as he stared into the abest of nothing. The sadness in his eyes screamed for her to return.

I can't be like that. I don't ever want the crown to make me feel as if I have to pretend to  love in order to use someone. It is a sacrifice, but I can't have Aiden do this.
Everything is already messed up, and I don't want any more problems to add to that baton.

"I'll be back," I said, leaving Neave's King standing there.

Running downstairs, I hopped into my car and drove to Aurora's apartment.

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