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A Gift of Gratitude


When I  took Aurora out of that shop, I took her to my car and sped off in the direction of her apartment. Of course, we had an argument which ended up with me getting out of there and slamming the door behind me. 

"FUCK YOU AXEL!" was the last thing I heard from her. 

It's now been 4 days since.
 After I left her place, I attended a meeting with my father which ended with us leaving the country immediately. I tried to call her before I left but by the time she answered, we were told to switch off all our devices. 

Everything about this trip has been utterly exhausting, I just need a break, mostly just to be near her. Who would've thought that I would be this way?  The only thing that's on my mind 24/7 is her. I crave her scent, touch, voice, everything that is of her.  I just need my baby.

"Do you agree Crowned Prince?" 

"Huh?" I asked snapping out of my thoughts and sitting up straight. 

Laughing nervously, the Finance Minister, cleared his throat and said, " Do you agree with the project benefits Crowned Prince?"

Taking a quick look around, I noticed how all eyes were on me just waiting for a response. Glancing down at the table, I silently prayed I find some kind of clue as to what they were talking about because I honestly locked them out of my head since they started talking. 

In front of me, my eyes drop to a file marked "Foundation Project", and instantly everything clicked. Last night I read that exact file making sure I would be prepared for the meeting today but I still chose to get distracted by my own thoughts. 

Sitting up, I fixed my suit and said, "I agree with all the benefits but I do believe that the foundation should be opened to worldwide sponsors. Why? You may ask, simple, with more participants the more we grow, the more we not only benefit our nations but our future. Children will be able to attend schools, get meals even get the much needed medical care." 

"I like the way you think, if it's okay with you, your Highness, I would like to include it. I believe you found yourself an allice and partner." the President of San Ronzo said getting up from his seat. "And Prince Axel, expect to see me at your coronation. I can tell you'll make a wonderful King."

Giving him a quick nod, I said " Thank you"

I watched as he shook hands with my father, and then thanked us for visiting. It is custom for the royalty to leave the room first, so just as father let go of his hand he walked out of the room, I  of course was right behind him. 

"Join me for dinner," Father ordered as we exited the meeting hall. 

"No," I said nonchalantly, walking past him and fixing my suit sleeves.

"Why?" He asked calmly. 

Without explaining, I stopped mid-step, turned around, and gave him a quick bow. "See you on the plane father." I said before turning and going my separate way. 

Once I was out of the building I walked over to the rental I had parked outside and drove off into the dark starlit streets. It's currently half 7 here and all I want..No... All I need is to hear her. 

Parking in front of the hotel, I took out my phone and dialled her number not wasting any time. Throwing the keys to the valet, I walked into the building while the phone kept ringing. Going straight to voice mail, I hunged up and called again.  What could she be doing, it is around 10 pm in Neave.

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