Hello Again!

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Hello! So it's come to my attention that this book, 4 years later, is still being read and loved by many. When I wrote this book, I was 14 turning 15 and a freshman in high school. I am now 18 turning 19 graduating this June and entering college in the fall, and I don't have an interest in the series anymore, but Klance will always be a huge part of my life. The notifications were linked to my email and reading comments were so funny because to this day, everyone's reaction made me so happy.

Reading back on this book, there was a lot of mistakes, and I have grown as a somewhat writer. So I want to (try) and rename the title to something more mature and (try) to re-release the book. Same plot, same storyline, same characters, but better. Better grammar, little to no mistakes. I'm making NO promises, since I'm still trying to graduate, but I will try my best.

But if I don't, thank you for all the love towards this book. This book holds a special place in my heart, and you guys as well.

KICK on❤️💙,
-Author Téah <3

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