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Keith's POV

I kissed him. I had enough of his rambling. I felt like every fucking second of the day he was rambling. I didn't care if he was in a rut. That doesn't mean anything to me. Doesn't mean he is a monster. He has more control of himself then Shiro. His lips were gentle as he kissed back. Warm, soft, perfect lips. I had to be careful though. I know him and I need him to fight back. Yes I wanted a kiss to shut him the hell up, but this is also going to teach him to control. He told me when he goes into a rut, he wants to learn control. And that's what I'm doing. Because I love him. But something clicked inside of me. Something inside me was telling me that I wanted this, and another side, my Omega side, told me no.

I didn't realize it until he had pulled away and I opened my eyes. He was on top of me, pinning me down. Both hands above my head as I struggled. I didn't want this, at least not now, even if I'm not in a heat and I can't get pregnant. Looking into his eyes told me a lot about him. Right now, it was filled with lust. I'm not scared, nor am I terrified. I'm brave enough for him to do whatever until he comes to his senses. Though what doesn't make sense to me is how he went into a rut. I know Lance and he isn't like Shiro, who has a cycle. Lance's ruts will only be triggered if an Omega is in heat. I knew for a fact my heat doesn't start for another month... right? Lance is pretty controlling of his Alpha side. Never in his life we went into a rut.

I kept moving to let my hands go so I can get him back to his senses but his grip was strong. He came closer and he started whispering in my ear using his Alpha tone. "Stay still." I have to obey at this point. He used his voice and I grew scared. He moved his head down to my scent gland as my head moved to the side. We were going to wait until we got further into the relationship. He started to kiss it as shivers went down my spine. At this point I had to stop him myself before he marked me. I wouldn't mind it at all but not now. "Lance snap out of it. I know you're in there. Fight back. Fight back..."

Lance's POV

"...f..ght ba...... La......fig....ack...figh..bac....Fight back! Lance, fight back!"

Fight back?

Why do I...

Oh my god...

I'm looking at him now. Little fear but bravery are within his eyes. I jumped back and backed up to the other side of the bed. I can't be near him. I don't trust myself. But... he let me? Keith let me do this to him while telling me to fight back. He has faith in me, I can see it. Keith sat up as the scent got sweeter. "K-Keith? Are you one hundred percent sure that your not in a heat? Are you sure you start in a month? I mean, you haven't been on your heat in a long time so maybe your cycle is messed up?" He looked at me in shock and he just shrugged. "I mean I do feel a little weird. I thought it was just hot in the Green Lion hanger but-" I cut him off. "Are you serious?! It was freezing in there! You know how Pidge loves the cold. Babe, I think your cycle is messed up. Not having it for years really messed with you."

He tensed up as he looked at me. "I guess I'm in a pre-heat... but I'm scared to walk out to grab things for a nest. I mean, recently I've had some urge to build one but I didn't think about it until now. And what if I walk out and Shiro-" I let out a low growl. "I'll make sure Shiro does not get near you. I'm walking with you to grab the things you need. No arguing." I got up and took a deep breath before holding out my hand. "I'll be ok. Let's go." He looked at me before taking my hand and getting up. Before we continued walked, I pulled him into an embrace, holding him while rubbing his back. I kissed his forehead as I kept whispering "I'm sorry." to him. He already has nightmares of Shiro, though he never tells me what goes on in them, and the last thing I want is for him to be afraid of me, his own boyfriend.

I let go of him and wrapped an arm around his waist. We already decided to wait for me to mark him, just to make sure that we will last. We actually had a fight about that. I told him if I marked him when his next heat comes, we wouldn't have to worry about Shiro, but Keith's perspective was different, so I just went with him. I could tell he is scared. This is his first relationship and if I mark him and we get into a fight, he can't take that mark back.

We walked out of my room and headed to Pidge's room first. I knew that they were close so I would have guessed he would go to her first. I knocked on the door and there was no answer. Keith and I looked at each other, already guessing she is still in the Green Lion hanger. We opened the door and I let Keith roam around collecting things as I stood by the door watching him. He grabbed Pidge's blanket and walked up to me. He grabbed my hand, smiling as he pulled me along. "What's with the smile, kitten?" He entered my room as I stood in the doorway again. "Well it's my first real heat with you. Last time, welI don't count it because it was only the ending of my heat." He grabbed my blanket and a pillow and walked up to me. "I'm just excited to spend it with you ok?"

I smiled as I wrapped an arm around his waist and placed a small kiss to the side of his head. His scent was getting slowly stronger. I can't complain though. I've always loved his scent. We walked over to Hunk's room and Keith looked around. He looked over and shook his head. "Nothing? You sure? You can always come back you know." I had to make sure he was ok with what he had. After all, he won't use Shiro's things. He nodded and pulled me back to his room. "I'm sure. I'm fine with what I have." He started building his nest and I could tell he made sure it was small enough so I can go behind him and keep him safe.

Even after Shiro apologized, I still don't trust him. I've had bad vibes when he is near us. He isn't always happy and he seems more strict now. I asked Pidge about it and she said he is under a lot of stress. I guess it kind of makes sense but I don't know.

Keith got done about 5 doboshes later and looked at it. I saw him frown as he began to touch it to fix it. I took a deep sigh and came up behind him to wrap my arms around his waist and pull him back. I placed a kiss on his scent gland and I felt him tense up. "Lance-" "Keith it looks fine. Don't worry about it. Plus, the only comfort you will need is me- AGH" I just can't believe it. He elbowed me in my stomach! "Keith! That hurt!" He turned around and started laughing. "Sorry. Just not used to you flirting with me." I chuckled as I recovered fast and walked up to him. "Well of course. Expect a lot of flirting from your boyfriend." He looked at me then looked away smiling. God his smile is cute. "Anyway. Can you go to the kitchen and grab food. I'm going to take a shower." Wait. Wait. I shook my head. "No. I'm not leaving you here alone. I'll text Pidge and ask her. I'll be sitting here," I walk over and plopped down on his bed away from his nest. "and chill right here. Go take a shower." He looked at me and nodded. He walked over to grab clothes and walked into the bathroom.

I sat there for a good 5 doboshes, until I heard something fall coming from the bathroom. I shot up and ran to the bathroom door almost opening it until I heard an "I'm ok!" from Keith. I took a deep breath as the shower turned off and I heard him step out. It wasn't long until he walked out fully clothed. "It might be a couple days until it starts." He spoke up, not looking at me. I smiled and lifted his chin to plant a quick kiss to his lips. "That's alright." He sighed like he had something on his mind. "Keith? You ok?" He nodded fast. "Yeah. Yeah of course." I frowned as I watched him walk past me. Sometimes, I do wish he can just open up to me.

Keith, I can't wait for months to come. What will our future unfold for us?


IM SO SORRY YOU ALL HAD TO WAIT SO LONG FOR THIS! School has been busy and I recently got into the musical for High School. And this month is my birth month so yay! Chapter 12 is almost done and yeah! I hope you enjoy! Enjoy Chapter 12 when it comes out! Because that's the last chapter before everything starts to go downhill for Keith and Lance! Book won't be ending anytime soon so don't worry! Anyway enjoy! Violet and Lilac!!

Word Count: 1577


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