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Keith's POV

Shiro and Pidge were out for a bit so me and Lance decided to go to the lounge. We sat there until Pidge stormed in. "You guys have to tell me what happened." She looked worried. Lance smiled and pointed his finger up. "We had sex." My face heated up and Pidge was cringing. "Ok. Well I saw this coming. Keith, I was actually trying to find you yesterday but it was to late. You were due for a heat but maybe it could be late?" My eyes widened. "W-What...." This couldn't be happening. I was sweating that day and maybe it still could have been training earlier that day? My heart was pounding. I couldn't breath right. I could've swore they can hear my heart pound.

Lance was just shaking his head. "Maybe it's late. There is no possible way Keith could have been in heat. We were all sweating that day due to training. I think he is ok." I closed my eyes and tried to remember what happened. It came to realization that I was in a heat. But I can't get pregnant first try... right? When it came to Galra, it was very impossible for them to get pregnant. I had to search that up once I found out I was Galran. I mean, I wanted to know about what I was and that was one of the first things. It was considered lucky if you ever got pregnant in the Galra race. Because of that, the Galra were really protective over pregnant Galran's. It was rare if one got pregnant. So maybe I was ok. I can't get pregnant first try.

I took a deep breath before speaking the information to Pidge. "Well, I remember now I was cramping and I was in a heat-" "What?!" Lance interrupted me and I cleared my throat to continue. "As I was saying, I was in a heat but I was careful because I knew I can't get pregnant first try. I looked up Galra history and facts once I found out I was, in fact, Galra. It said it was super rare if one got pregnant but it's guaranteed that they can't get pregnant first try. I think I'll be ok." She only pushed her glasses up and sighed. "You also have to remember that you are human and an omega so it changes things a bit. But alright. Watch out next time." She got up and exited.

I looked at Lance and hugged him. "I didn't know I'm sorry! P-Please don't be mad at me. I-I should have known I was in a heat! I-I-" I was sobbing. I felt like shit. "Keith, babe, seriously it's ok. We didn't know. Yesterday was-" That's when it hit us both. Yesterday. Today, I was fine. No sweating. No cramps. No wanting sex 24/7. That was yesterday. It stopped today.



"That was-"


I felt like I was going to be sick. Maybe I was satisfied? I don't know. My heat just ended. Just like that. Only time would tell....

~Two Weeks Later~

Lance's POV

I was laying in bed next to Keith. Ever since I marked him, I've always hated being apart from him so we decided that he would move to my room. Plus, he said he loved my scent which made my face heat up. Keith was asleep. Pidge finally got Earth months in order and we figured it out it was January 16th. Not a bad time though it made me miss home more. The snow on the ground, flying in the air, the cold breeze... yeah... I missed it. It was a Wednesday and 6 in the morning. I held Keith closer to me as I nuzzled into his hair. That's when I felt him awake and shoot up from the bed and to the bathroom. Next thing you knew, he was throwing up. I ran after him and pulled his hair back into a ponytail with a red rubber band. I rubbed circles on his back.

"It's ok. It's ok. Just breath. You are fine." I tried to calm him. He was tearing up. Keith wasn't feeling ok. Once he flushed the toilet and brushed his teeth, I pulled him close to feel his head. No fever or a cold. "Keith, did you eat anything bad yesterday?" He only shook his head in response. Then, I closed the door and locked it. I had to be sure. My Alpha instincts were going insane this past week. Something wasn't right. I had Coran buy things the last time we went to the space mall. I handed a box to Keith and he looked at me. "Keith. Take it. Please. We have to be sure." I've noticed Keith has been throwing up these past couple of days. It wasn't good.

He opened the box and decided to do it. After he was done, we waited for a couple minutes till the results were in. We looked closer.



So.... the tides have turned. They refused to stay away from each other. After all I've tried, they just won't separate. But after what I did before the weak puny Omega went into a heat, this would for sure break them up. The dreams I give them both didn't seem to scare them. It only drew them closer. It pissed me off. I had to take control but my master keeps saying not yet. My yellow eyes look around in the empty black space. His mind. Nothing but copied memories and fake relationships lie. It was filthy. I hated it. I wanted to burn all the memories inside his mind so I can take control. Ever since him and I escaped, I've been trying to take control. No use.

It's sad, really. Everything planning out the way it is. If they are still together, I have the perfect final plan that will definitely split them out. What I mean is... I'm going to split them up. Separate. Never see each other again. Kidnapping the tiny Omega would be easy. After all, they would follow my orders. An Alpha's orders. Dearest Keith. You know you belong to me. You will be my Omega. And I will make you love me.

Pidge's POV

I was in the green lion. Coran said to take this opportunity to find my brother. Matt. He was supposed to be a Beta like me but he ended up being an Alpha. I knew I was rare. Being born from an Omega and my dad being an Alpha, I was supposed to be an omega. But I was ok being a Beta. Matt was always supportive about who I was. Some people call me a freak. Being born a boy, I was ok with that too. I think being a girl doesn't change who I am. It just changes who I was.

About a month ago, I found more information on my brother. Today was the day I would finally find him. After a year of not seeing him, I would finally get to feel his hugs again. He was the best brother anyone could have asked for. I can't wait for the team to meet him... and Shiro see him again. Matt can also help find our dad. We are so smart. Our brains is what got us into the Galaxy Garrison. I just really hope he is ok...


WHOOP DE DOO! ONLY TWO PEOPLE FIGURED OUT WHO THE MYSTERIOUS PERSON WAS! One person doesn't know they figured it out! Anyway, enjoy! I'm not sorry for leaving Keith and Lance's POV on a cliffhanger. I love to see you guys go on in the comments. ENJOYYYYYYY!


Word Count: 1223


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