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                                Heat Day 1

Keith's POV

I woke up sweating and shaking. I felt hot and a part of me just wanted to die. It has been a while since my last heat so I forgot what it felt like. Usually Shiro would check on me and restock my food (if it was necessary), but in Shiro's state right now, it will be Pidge. I was breathing heavily as I gripped onto Lance's jacket. I should apologize. I messed up big time. I shouldn't have yelled back to make matters worse. He was only trying to calm me down but I kept fighting. No wonder why he doesn't like me. I always cause problems and he is only trying to fix them. Fix my problems. Besides Pidge, Lance was always there for me. Sometimes I wonder why do I push people away even though I know the answer. My walls are built up, pushing everyone away. I have major trust issues and I'm even scared to come close to someone just for them to walk away later. I'm afraid to fall in love.

I made sure the door was unlocked before I went to bed so Pidge can come in and check on me. I got mad at how hot I was so I pulled off my shirt gently as I dropped it to the side of my bed. I took in Lance's scent from his jacket and I calmed down a bit. Please forgive me Lance... I know I'm an ass... I heard the door open as I shot up freaking out, only to realize it was just Pidge. I relaxed more into my nest. Just a check up. She is just going to feed you and give you water and she will be on her way. I just prayed and prayed that she wouldn't start a conversation, knowing my state right now and how I didn't even want to talk. Pidge smiled at me as she squatted down, placing a cold, wet cloth on my head. It felt nice and I smiled, taking a breath. She grabbed the food from the side of the bed and started feeding it to me. Usually I would eat whenever I felt like it during my heats but I knew Pidge and she hates seeing her friends starve.

I took at least 5 spoonfuls until I shook my head at the next one. "Keith, just one more at least." She spoke quietly and calmly. I nodded as I ate the spoonful before she put it down. She grabbed my water and made me drink a little before I could relax again. She put everything aside as she grabbed the cloth, standing up. "Want me to check on Lance? I know you don't want to see him but I over heard you both last night." I smiled as I weakly looked up to the smaller girl. "P-please?" She nodded as she turned to walk to the door, only to turn around and face me again. "I'll tell you what he says when I get back around lunch. Rest." She simply said before walking out. I sighed as I curled up more into a ball. When will my life ever go right?

Pidge's POV

I hated seeing him like that, but that's what he has to live through. I walked to the kitchen where Lance was and he just stood there, slouching. He must be having a hard time, too. I took a deep breath and spoke up. "Hey Lance. Just wanted to make sure you were ok. After what happened last night, I-" he cut me off. "How do you know what happened last night? Did Keith tell you? Did he tell you all the horrible things he says about me?" He turned around and he sounded mad. I looked into his eyes and he had bags under them. Apparently he didn't get enough sleep. I felt really bad and I frowned. "No, he didn't say anything bad. In fact he is worried about you. He feels really bad about yelling at you. And I knew you guys got into a fight because we literally have thin walls and I'm right next door to his room."

He sighed. "Sorry I snapped at you. I'm upset and tired. I kept waking up last night and I gave up around 2 in the morning earth time." I could see my program worked. They could tell what time of day it was due to my new program I installed in the castle. "It's fine, Lance. You're forgiven. Keith is doing ok, though he is in pain." He tended up at that and I knew I made a mistake saying that. He looked away and took a deep breath and he calmed down. "Tell him I'm ok, doing well." I nodded. I walked up to him and stood next to him. Looking up at him was a pain because at my height, it was a neck breaker. "So~" He looked at me with a confused look. "Do you like Keith?"

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