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Keith's POV

They had dragged me out of my room after I refused to move. The alarms were blaring and multiple guards were getting into attack position. If I could, I would have beaten the guards up by now but (1) I'm in to much pain and (2) they numbed me anyway. 3 months pregnant. 2 months to go. If I was a normal human, I would be having 6 months left. If I was a normal human, I wouldn't have been captured because of my galra lineage. If I was human, I wouldn't be hated for what I am...

I hate myself. I hate everything about me. And the fact that I'm an Omega makes it all worse... except I have two positives. I have an Alpha who loves and cares for me like and Alpha should, and I have two children on the way, but... The Galra soldiers turned the corner to the escape pods with me in between them only for one to be shot. My eyes widened and I looked over to who shot him, causing me to fall a bit.

I must be dreaming. This can't be real. I've only seen him in my dreams. He stabbed the other soldier with his bayard that had formed into a sword. I closed my eyes, whimpering in fear. This isn't real. My mind is playing games with me. I was picked up a bit and I began hyperventilating. "G-Get away! S-Stay away don't touch me! Stop-" I was moved a little, only to be brought up to his scent gland. Ocean... the salt in it adding to some spice in his calming scent. A scent I've missed. This isn't a dream... it's reality.

Lance's POV

I was crying in the Black Lions helm, Keith in my lap as I waited for Pidge to get out with the Green Lion and the rest of the team. I held Keith close to me. He is actually here. My mate. My Omega. My Keith. He was slightly trembling as his face was buried in my scent gland, though he was calm which is a good thing. I was running my fingers through his soft raven hair, smiling as tears of joy ran down my cheeks, but I wasn't celebrating just yet. We still needed to get out of here.

I looked down at the rather large bump on his lower section. Pidge was right, it did look big for 3 months. My hand traveled down to his bump, caressing it gently. I felt Keith nuzzle more into my scent gland, feeling his small smile on my neck, his warm breath on my skin that gave me slight shivers, and then his purr. The purr that could tell any Alpha when an Omega feels safe and content.

He was once clinging to me, the fear in his hold, had relaxed. One of his hands moved down to on top of mine, where I was caressing his baby bump. He slightly moved his head, looking down. "T-Twins..." he spoke softly, but I could hear his smile.

My eyes widened "W-What...?" He chuckled a little, feeling tears fall onto my skin, it wasn't mine, it was his. "We're having twins..." it took a moment to register what he said. I just smiled, hugging him more. "We are having twins... god I'm so happy. As I said... I'll ALWAYS be there for you. But why is your baby bump-" he cut me off, nuzzling back into my neck. "My Galra lineage."

Third Person POV- Back at the Castle

Keith was in the healing pod, eyes closed and facial expression relaxed. Lance sat next to the pod, blanket around him as he laid asleep. Pidge has set the pod specifically for Keith to make sure it was safe for him and the twins. Lance had told the rest of the team about Keith being pregnant and Pidge explained how she knew but didn't know it was Twins. Keith's 3 month mark was as long as a 6 month mark, so they should find out the genders once he gets out of the pod. 6 days in there.

1 Week Later

Keith's POV

I woke up, breathing fast and sweating. I was in Lance and I's room. I looked next to me, making sure this wasn't a dream and just like I expected, Lance was there. He was sleeping peacefully but he also looked a little stressed. My hand slowly moved around him and I moved closer, nuzzling into his neck.


I am home.

Lance slowly woke up, making a soft noise "K...Keith...?" I smiled, nuzzling into him more "Yeah... it's me..." he moved a little and I moved away a bit, looking at him. He pulled me into a sweet gentle kiss. That's when I knew for sure that I was home.

And home is where I'll stay for an eternity.


So I know it's short but this is because it's the ending of the book (Sadness). But that doesn't mean the series is over! The sequel will be out in a while, which leads me to the next reason why this chapter is short. I broke my first bone and the bone shifted out of place (VERY STUPID REASON) and it was my dominant hand. Writing and typing with only my left is hard and I'll try my best. Anyway, thank you so much for sticking around and my sequel will be out when I get better! Much love!


Word Count: 805

Publish Date: 2/26/19

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