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Keith Kogane...

Heh... you will be mine soon enough. Just wait and see...

Allura's POV

"What do you mean he is due for a heat?!" Hunk spoke up. I looked around and I remembered Lance was a little off today. "Where is Lonce?" Shiro looked at me but his facial expression changed but then it changed back to a worried one. "I think he is with... Keith..." We all looked at each other. I was the first to run but Pidge stopped me. "Stop! If Lance is in a rut, he wouldn't want anyone near Keith. He could hurt you and we don't want that. We have to leave them alone." I looked off to the side. "Fine. They better be careful."

Coran's POV

I was in the bridge, watching out for any intruders. It was relatively peaceful and I quite enjoyed it. That is until Pidge ran in. "Coran! You need to get us to an undetected area!" I was confused. Unless... "On it Number Five! But why exactly?" I started to look at places to be safe in, waiting for her to speak. "Uh... break time." Ah. The code word for "Omega In Heat". We came up with it once we all found out Keith was in fact an Omega. I only nodded at her as she walked out of the room. Poor Keith. This must be tough to go through.

Lance's POV

He is sleeping. Quiet and comfortable. In my arms. And he was just so...so... beautiful. His perfect body, his violet eyes, delicate light skin, his soft hair, and his lips. So soft and gentle that can grow aggressive sometimes. This was Keith. My mate. My other half. I'm not losing him now, not ever. I'll protect him from others. He is my one and only. My arms wrapped around him, holding him close to me in a protective but loving way. His room was now a mess. Clothes all over the floor. Blankets by his bedside. This is something I won't forget. I'm actually still upset about Keith and I's apparent "Bonding Moment". I honestly don't remember. I had a serious head injury and I forgot. Only bits and pieces from that very day. I wish I can remember it. Oh just please let me remember it.

Keith had been worn out, exhausted, dead in the water—well not literally. I heard a voice low and quiet. I looked at Keith, realizing it's from him. It sounds like he is talking to someone or maybe... surrendering? What is he dreaming about?

Keith's POV

I was running. Running from who knows what and heading to who knows where. I was lost. Unfound. Out of breath. No rest. I had to keep running. He was scaring me. I was horrified. Where was Lance? Will he come to save me? No. He is gone too. He killed him. He killed all my friends. I felt a pair of hands wrap around me and made me stop running. Running from him. Running to who knows where. I was scared. This couldn't be happening. "Stop! Let go of me! P-Please!" Tears run down my face as the grip grew tighter. I yelped in pain and I couldn't breath. "Stop! No please stop!" He didn't talk to me. He spoke nothing. All I saw was the glowing yellow eyes with a little white as hair. His masculine body was clearly visible. I miss Lance. Why did you have to go?

I kept moving hoping to make him lose his grasp around me. It can't end like this. I can't be next. But what surprised me is that he didn't want to kill me... he wanted to use me. I wasn't letting it happen. I belong to Lance, not some scary guy. But I was losing. Failing. This was the end but I kept protesting. "Stop! Stop it please stop! Stop! Stop! You're going to hurt them! Please don't I love them! Stop stop-"

"Stop Stop Stop Stop!" I shot up, tears running down my face. I hugged myself as I was shaking really bad. "Keith!" I felt an arm wrap around me and pulled me close. "Keith, shhh, it's ok. It's just a dream. You're ok. I'm here." I was calming down slowly but a question formed in my head that I needed answers from. Who is 'them'? Why did I say I loved them even I have no clue who the hell they were. "L-Lance. I was running. Running from a guy. He was so scary and y-you... you died. You told me to keep going. To run. He caught me though. Wrapped his arms around my abdomen. His grip grew tighter and I shouldn't have felt pain immediately. But..." I looked at him. "I kept saying don't hurt them. I said I loved them. I don't even know who I was talking about." Lance looked at me and held me tighter. "It's ok. It's over." I could tell he also questioned the same thing. I'm really questioning who they are because the only person I love is Lance.

"What time is it?" I usually wake up from nightmares around midnight or maybe 3 a.m. but it felt strange. It didn't feel like any of those times. "It's kinda early but you got through the whole night. I have to find a way to stop those nightmares of yours." I took a deep sigh. What if my nightmares were signs? Signs of what will come in the future. Signs that are close to my death. I still felt pain from last night. The loving kisses on my neck, the love bites on my chest, hair brushed away and sweaty, hands that trailed up and down my torso, the warm hands connecting with mine, soft warm lips kissing me aggressively, and the second part to our mating. To make our connection deep and stronger, he had to knot in me. It hurt a lot but it also felt so good.

I tried to sit up but my back ached, abdomen striking me with pain. It hurt like hell now. Lance saw my pain and his expression turned to sadness and apologetic. "If you want to apologize, don't. Last night was the best night of my life." I shot him a glare and he nodded. He leaned forward to kiss my head. "I'll get a bath started. Just stay here ok?" I looked at him and nodded. I laid back down as he walked over to the bathroom in my room. He turned on the bath and I could hear the water run for a good five doboshes before it was shut off. Lance came into my view as he bent down do carry me. Pain hit me once again as I winced. He started to walk to the bathroom, being as careful as possible. He sat me in the tub as I felt better. The warm tub felt nice. I could hear Lance get in and sit behind me. He pulled me closer as I relaxed more onto his chest.

He started to place gentle kisses behind my ear then onto my shoulder. I wasn't in the mood to fuck right now. I was sore, hungry, and I just wanted to relax. "L-Lance.... what are you doing?" I can feel his smile forming on my shoulder as he moved to kiss my claimed scent gland. I moved my head to the other side so he had access to it.

Lance's POV

I loved how sensitive his scent gland was. Claimed. Mine. I'm happy. The mark was still a little red, covered in dried up blood. I pulled away and I started to clean it. Keith moved on contact and I held him still. "Shh. Hey it's ok. I have to clean it. You have blood on your neck. Just relax, ok?" His heart rate slowed down as he nodded. I eventually got all the blood as I placed the cloth down. His mark was more visible now. More beautiful.

We soon got out and dressed. I had to help Keith due to his legs— and I quote— feeling like     Jell-O. That wasn't an excuse but I took it anyway. I gave him a piggyback ride to the kitchen and the whole team was there. I sat Keith down in a chair and before I sat down myself, I was grabbed by the neck and shoved against the wall. "Lance! Shiro let go of him!" Keith tried to stand but he only collapsed. I saw anger in Shiro's eyes as he looked at Keith and immediately spotted his mark. "Fuck, Lance! What did you do?! Why did you mark him?!" I couldn't talk. It felt like fire is being passed back and forth in my throat. I couldn't breath. I saw his eyes turn a different color for a quick second before he let go of me. I coughed. "Shiro! I asked him to! Please stop!"

Shiro's POV

He. Was. Marked. Something I didn't want. Something that isn't supposed to happen. I'm happy for him but also upset. It was my job to not let some filthy Alpha on my-

What the fuck am I saying?! He isn't mine! He is my brother.... right? Saying he was a brother didn't feel right. Not at all. More like.... what? What am I thinking?! "S-Sorry... I need air. Pidge, can you come along?" Before I walked out, I saw Pidge mouth to them 'You have explaining to do. And I need to talk to both of you'. My head started to throb again. Please someone just help me...


I'm winning... 



Word count: 1588


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