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Heat Day 5

Lance's POV

For what happened on Keith's first day of his heat, I assumed he wouldn't want to see me. I made sure once Hunk pulled him out, I was standing far enough away and for two reasons. One, I don't want to go into a rut (though I'm pretty in control of myself), and two, Shiro is an Alpha like me and I'm pretty sure Keith has been through enough. Pidge took over Hunk's room temporarily and Hunk took over Pidge's. They left Shiro in Keith's room, though they would feed him the daily 3 day meals. I didn't dare to go near him because I thought I might lose it for what he has done to Keith. I just need him to be safe. I want him to be my-

No. He doesn't like me like that. He wouldn't want that. After all, Pidge probably told Keith already I didn't like him. He must be glad that he doesn't have another Alpha chasing after him. But man, I think I will never stop loving Keith. Though, there is always Allura. I mean, I fell for her first so maybe it was meant to be? God dammit I know that's a lie. I have to stop lying to myself. I have loved Keith since the Garrison days. Whenever I try to push my feelings for him away, it just comes back. I didn't care if he was an Alpha, and I don't care if he is an Omega. I still love him, and I'll love him until the day I die, even if he is happy and married and I'm married.

I lay there on my bed just lost in thought at this point, thinking about Keith. Keith this. Keith that. I finally got up to grab lunch. I haven't been sleeping well since 5 days ago, and I can tell I have eye bags. My skin isn't as smooth because I have been skipping my skin care routine. I walked out of my room and I saw Pidge walk out of hers. She closed the door and locked it (she programmed it so when she locks her door, only she can unlock it). She caught up with me and she slouched over. We were silent until she spoke up. "Lance. Remind me not to take care of an Omega in heat EVER again." I laughed as I patted her back. "I will. Though, we need to find suppressants for him unless he wants his heats to continue from now on every three months." She nodded. "Well I'm one step ahead of you. I already talked to Keith about it and I made sure it was a yes or no question. I asked him if he wants us to find suppressants and he said... no..."

My eyes widened and I stopped her. "What?! Didn't he realized what happened 4 days ago? He almost got marked. Again! Does he seriously want to live through this?!" She sighed and nodded. I looked away and I had to accept this. Even if Shiro's rut cycle did land on Keith's heat cycle, he wouldn't act like this. He is way to it of control and we need to know why. I want to know why he is acting like this. I groaned and we continued walking. All I kept thinking about was Keith...

God dammit Keith. Please be ok...

Keith's POV

My heat was starting to die down but that would take days. I can talk again but I chose not to. Pidge was smart this time and so everyone takes shifts. Whenever Pidge is away, Hunk watches over the door. When they both cant do it, it would be Lance, though Hunk and Pidge are always there. The only reason why they are taking turns guarding the door was because they were finally going to let Shiro out and roam. Lance would keep watch of him because he is another Alpha.

Speaking of Lance, besides Shiro he is the only one that hasn't came in to check on me. Allura and Coran would come in to check on me and update me on certain things. Lance kept his distance. He probably thinks I don't want him around. I want to change that though. Pidge walked into the room seeing me sit up on Hunk's bed, laying against the wall. "Keith, you should be resting." I shook my head. "Not... Tired..." my voice was still a little raspy but I had to deal with it. I rarely spoke. She sighed. "Ok fine. Then you have to get up. You need to gain your strength back. I groaned. I wish I didn't say I wasn't tired. I didn't want to get up.

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