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Three Weeks Later


Keith was beautiful. Him being an Omega makes it much better. But that damn Alpha... Lance I believe was his name... is stopping me from getting to him. I have to plan. I need Keith and he will be mine.

He doesn't have a choice...

Lance's POV

Me and Keith have been spending more time together. He doesn't mind me checking on him before I go to bed. We became closer and he has gotten more comfortable around me. He hasn't talked to Shiro much, maybe just a "hello" here or there but that's it. Keith has been more open with me. Most of the things he tells me, he hasn't told anyone before. He would occasionally have nightmares from the first day of his heat from time to time and I would know because he screams. Pidge and I switched rooms so I can be closer to his. It took a week because Pidge is a hoarder and her room is a mess. Whenever Keith has his nightmares, I would rush into his room to wake him up so he doesn't suffocate from not breathing much. There was something about him that made him special. He always comes to me first.

I asked Allura if Keith and I could take the day off. She was completely fine with it and she winked at me like she knew something. I laughed it off as I turned around to head to Keith's room. I held a paper in my hand for him. I put my heart and soul into this and it's very special, just like him. I knocked on the door and he came out and pulled me in and locked the door. He was breathing fast and... crying? He only ever cries during nights so this was really odd. He collapsed to the floor as I bent down with him. He kept opening his mouth to say something but kept closing it, as if he was constantly changing his mind.

I rubbed circles on his back as I pulled him into a tight embrace. I then carried him to the bed where we sat against the wall, placing him in my lap facing him forward. I hummed him a tune as he slowly stopped crying. I wiped his tears with my thumb as he relaxed against my chest. I needed him to be calm before I could ask what was wrong. I knew something wasn't right and I assumed it was another nightmare. I snaked my arms around his waist and held him tight.

"Keith? What happened? Is everything ok?" His voice was cracking but I managed to understand what he was saying. "I-I can't do this. I feel unprotected e-even if you are protecting me. I-I've been having so many fears and you have always been there. I used to have walls built up and you didn't care. You walked right through them. L-Lance I trust you with my life and I've never been this close to anyone before. I'm not even close to Pidge as much as I'm close to you. You're an amazing dancer and you love to comfort others even if you're feeling down yourself. You have an amazing voice and I know because I sometimes hear you singing in your room," I blush from embarrassment and from love. How can he know this? Let alone say all these things about me? He turned around to face me now.

"L-Lance... I-"
"...Shut up..."

Keith's POV

I was confused, my heart fluttered and was going so fast. I finally just accepted it and I kissed back, eyes closing and feeling his soft lips against mine. I was kissing the one person I have loved this whole time. It made sense now. All those times he was protecting me, blushing, taking care of me, and doing so much more, was all because he loved me. Oh my god... Lance McClain loves me. I slowly pull away as my eyes slowly opened, looking into Lance's ocean blue one's. He was so beautiful I just wanted him to mark me so I'm his.

"Keith. I love you and I mean it. I started that rivalry because I was jealous of you. But then I realized it wasn't jealousy, it was love. Your beautiful violet eyes, your perfect pale skin, your cute nose, the mullet only you can pull off..." I chuckled while he smiled. "Keith, I know you may not feel the same way but I've always loved you. Even back at the Garrison. When you got kicked out that year, I was devastated and I thought I would never see you again. After a year, I was so happy to see you again. And Keith, I don't care what your class is. I'll still love you for you. Will you please accept my feelings...?"

I nodded and smiled. "Lance, I feel the exact same way. I love you too. You're so special to me. I've loved you for as long as I can remember. I was scared to get close to you, but here we are, confessing our love for each other like some Anime Highschoolers. Even coming out as Omega, you still accepted me for me. You didn't care and I love that. So Lance, we can wait if you want but..." I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

I know this is a short chapter and I'm sorry but I'm trying my best. Some chapters will be long and some will be short but the shortest I'll ever get is 900 words. Anyway enjoy!
(Love you wifey💛💛)

Word Count: 906

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