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Lance's POV

I was sitting on the couch in the lounge, relaxing for the day because Allura gave us a day off from doing any missions so I decided to watch an Altean movie with Hunk but he was still sleeping in— I mean I can't blame him, we haven't gotten enough sleep in a while.

I had gotten cold and I really wanted to take a nap so I got up and headed out the door and down the hallway. As I was walking I saw Pidge walking around, looking down at her phone, focused on something probably to nerdy. "Hey Pidge. What are you up to?" She looked up and sighed, shrugging. "Uh, well I'm looking around for some things. I need some wires for my computer so I can modify the green lion some more." Of course she was, I mean she is always testing things.

Sometimes I imagine the future paladins and how the future green paladin would react if they got all the cool stuff and the others were like 'What the fuck'. "That's cool. Well good luck!" I walked past her until I came to a sudden stop in my tracks. A sweet scent—the smell of fire and a desert, but it was distressed. Omega.

"Pidge? I know you know every secret here so answer me honestly... is there an Omega in the castle?" Silence filled the room as the scent grew stronger. She didn't respond so I knew. "God dammit! Pidge follow me. Something is wrong." I turned around and started following the scent and it led to the kitchen. I heard Pidge's footsteps behind me. "Be ready for anything Pi-" I had picked up another scent... An Alpha in rut.

I lost it because this always happens. Why does an Alpha always hurt an Omega?! They aren't some creature to be dragged around and fucked senseless!

I opened the door and I found Shiro pinning Keith and of course it's Keith of all people. He seemed more like an Alpha or he could have easily been a Beta— but an Omega?

I didn't think twice to grab Shiro and throw him to the floor. "Don't touch him EVER AGAIN!" I yelled. I pinned him to the ground to let Pidge and Keith escape. The thought of Keith being hurt was something I always hated, and know that I know that he is an Omega, I need to take care of him more.

Once I heard the door closed, I got off of Shiro and ran out the door. I knew I had to make sure Keith was ok after all that happened but since he never told us he was an Omega, I have to keep off the subject. That was the first thing on my to do list but I had to be careful, I can smell the heat just from down the hallway.

I reached the hallway to our rooms and I saw Pidge walk out of his room, upset. She gave me a glare and walked into her room, almost like a warning.

Does she hate me?

...No, definitely not.

Did I do something wrong?

No way.

I sighed as I walked to Keith's door and knocked softly. "Hey man. It's me, Lance. I was wondering if-" The door had opened as Keith looked at me. He was.... crying? "Keith? You ok?" He looked away and pushed me out more into the hallway as he stepped out and closing the door behind him, but I still got a small smell of the faint sweet scent.

"I'm fine..." he looked away and crossed his arms. "Keith..." He shook his head, stopping me from speaking, holding up a hand. "I know you know now and your going to treat me differently because I'm an Omega. A useless, worthless, Omega."

I was shocked. Is that what he thought of himself? The way he said his dynamic was full of hate and he sounded sour, almost like he hates himself for who he is.

"Keith. Your not useless or worthless. Your still Keith. Being an Omega doesn't change anything or how I treat you. Don't tell that to yourself ever again." I walked up to him but he flinched and took a few steps back, which I understand because he was almost forced onto earlier so I just continued talking. "Keith, what I'm saying is true. You will always be my best friend. And that will never change."

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