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-Two Months Later-

Keith's POV

I started to shake at the dinner table. I felt a little sweat dripping from my head but we just recently trained so that would have been the case. It's been two months since my last heat and yesterday I started to feel off but I pushed the feeling away. Shiro has sat across the table while Lance was next to me. He had moved his chair closer to me and his hand rested on my thigh. I wasn't really comfortable with the position but I let it go. Lance started to speak up after no one talked the whole time. "So, what are we going to do tomo-" "Lance, shut up! We are eating and I want it quiet!" Shiro cut him off and snapped back. My eyes widened. This wasn't like him—snapping at us like that. He had no reason to be mad. I was beginning to stand up until Lance started to massage my thigh and I froze. Yeah, he was telling me everything was ok but he wouldn't have done it like what he was doing now.

I felt my face get hotter and I looked away. I was tense and I shook it off. I kept forgetting he was still kind of in a rut. Is this how relationships are supposed to be? Is this ok? I'm silently waiting for Lance just to break my heart and move on to someone more worth his time. I'm nothing. I'm just a puny Omega that can't do shi- "Keith. Why don't we go? We obviously aren't welcomed to the dinner table tonight." I finally had the urge to look at him. "Y-Yeah. Let's go." We both had got up but I ran out of there and once I was alone in the hallway, I leaned against the wall. I hadn't realized it until I knew I had a small boner. Great.

Lance came out 30 ticks later. I didn't hear the door open but I saw shoes in front of me as I was looking down. I looked up to meet my gaze with the Alpha in front of me. Eyes filled with lust and seemed to be waiting to be alone with me. He finally snapped. He can't fight back no more, and I can't do anything about it. He grabbed my wrist as he dragged me away to the sleeping quarters. I didn't resist because I had some sort of urge to be alone with him, but I want to help him. I can't let him torture himself in his rut by himself. It wouldn't be right. I love him to much to leave him alone on this.

We got to my room as he closed to door behind us and locked it. He then shoved me against the wall, pinning my hands to them as he looked at me. Eager and impatient. Eyes still filled with lust. I wasn't scared of him. Lance would never hurt me like Shiro did. Lance may be in a rut, but he was still there. Sweat was falling down my forehead. Maybe I was nervous? I wasn't sure because Lance was also dripping sweat. He came closer to me neck but the side away from my scent gland. I had moved my head away. At this point in time, Lance won't be in control of what he says. "I promise I'll be gentle. Will you be good for me~?" I felt his hot breath against my neck and my breath hitched. I soon became a little scared and definitely nervous. "L-Lance-" he started to passionately kiss my neck when he didn't get an answer. My eyes shut and I bit my lip as I tried to keep in sounds. "Nnng~"

His hands had moved from mine and he began to dragged them down my torso. He finally settled around my waist and he picked me up and laid me down on my bed. He crawled on top of me and looked down at me. His facial expression changed. He started caressing my cheek as I leaned into the touch. His hand was warm and I was glad to feel it on my already hot face.


"Lance I'll be ok. Just please. I don't mind. You can't ignore your rut forever. It's bad."


"Lance McClain."

He nodded as he went for a passionate kiss. We are both fully aware that my heat won't happen for a while. Well, I'm pretty sure it won't happen for a while. I felt his kiss become more aggressive, more desperate. He forced his tongue inside my mouth. This felt good. The Omega inside me kept screaming at me. I pulled away, slightly regretting it. "W-Wait Lance." I slowly opened my eyes to meet his. "Hm?" I bit my lip before talking. "I-I love you. P-Please don't leave me..." he looked at me and I saw a sign of the actual Lance within him. He didn't say a word as he lowered to my scent gland and started to kiss it. The feeling sent chills down my spine. "L-Lance wha-" he then cut me off.

"Keith, I've loved you for way to long to leave you and you know that. We have been together for almost 3 months, I can assure you, I'm not leaving you. I still can't believe I'm even your boyfriend. I'm so lucky to even call you mine. I won't let you go, and I won't leave you. Got it?" I slowly nodded. He began to kiss it once more as he started to slowly pull up my shirt. I bit my lip as my eyes fluttered closed. I had to ask, I know it. He wouldn't do it without my permission. I wanted to be his. He pulled away from my neck as he pulled off my shirt and continued kissing my sensitive scent gland. "L-Lance... one more thing..." he slightly pulled away. "What is it, Keith?" I looked to the other side, giving full access. I grabbed both his hands and held onto them. I knew this was going to hurt like hell.

"Mark me... please?"

Lance's POV

Mark him?! My instincts on him will shoot through the roof! It will be hard to fight them off because I want him to live a life. Yeah, I was still slightly conscious of what I was doing, but mating is something I thought would never be a problem— that is until I started dating Keith. I loved him and I can understand why he wanted this, so I nodded slowly. He asked me to mark him a few months ago but we had only just gotten together and I didn't want us to get into a fight and he would have to be stuck with me forever. But now, I want this too. I started to kiss the spot gently until I found a spot on his scent gland. Then I bit him. Hard.

I immediately covered his mouth before he began to scream. He was still loud behind my hand. It hurt my insides a little when I started to bite him. I hate being the one that is hurting him. I held there for a couple more seconds until I pulled away. I pulled my hand away once he had calmed down. He was breathing heavily as I hovered over him. Tears fell down his face as I wiped them away. Blood dripped down his neck but it wasn't bad so I wasn't to worried about it. I had pulled off my shirt and then I reconnected our hands as I leaned down for another kiss.

This was going to be amazing.


I smell something... different. A new scent but it's not new. It's stronger. It's Lance's scent. No... Keith is still mine. I don't care if he is claimed. I will make him want me, not Lance. What if I tried to split them up? A breakup. Perfect. Keith wouldn't want his mark anymore and he will ask someone to replace it, and I would gladly do that. Keith is mine. No one else's. If Keith disobeys me and chooses Lance, heh... guess I'll have to kill someone...

Shiro's POV

This headache. A headache that won't go away. The voices in my head filled with past memories... Voices in my head that tell me things to do I don't want to. Then there is one voice. A voice backing the bad one off. Adam... I miss him so much but... no... I don't love him. I love Adam. Not him. Adam and I had our life planned out. We were going to marry, adopt kids only—because we were both Alphas, and have the last two years the most memorable. Now I'm cured, no longer on earth, but something is off. Ever since I escaped the Galra ship a second time, I've been feeling odd. My PTSD isn't there. Voices started coming.

What the hell is wrong with me?!

Pidge's POV

I was running. This wasn't ok. I ran to the lounge hoping to find them there but I only found Hunk, Shiro, and Allura. They saw my panic and they all stood up. Shiro was the first to speak up. "Pidge? What's wrong?" I was catching my breath before speaking. "Has anyone seen Keith or Lance?!" They all shook there heads no and Allura was next to speak. "Why?"

"Keith is due for his heat..."


Woah! Two chapters in a day?! Wow! Anyway, hope you enjoy cause from here things will slowly go downhill for the paladudes!😂 Love you all and have a good night! (Or day!)

Word Count: 1557


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