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I can see them together. I'm losing Keith but I know I will never lose him. He belongs to me and I've known it from the start. Even if Lance marks him, he will still be mine. Though, before Lance does, I know for a fact he will already have fallen for me. I will break him until the only person he knows is me...

Lance's POV

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

My eyes widened. Did Keith just ask me to be his boyfriend, or am I hearing things? "W-What?" I had to ask him again. I needed to make sure I heard him right. "I asked if you could be my boyfriend. But it's ok if you say no. I'll understand we can wait or something but-" I pulled him into a hug and nodded. "Of course. I would love to be your boyfriend. What kind of a question is that, Kitty?" I kissed his cheek and I released our hug. "I love you and that will never change. You will always be my number one priority." He smiled and it made my heart warm and fuzzy. I started planting gentle kisses all over Keith's face and he giggled. "L-Lance! Ok ok! I get it!" He was smiling widely but it faded a little. "What about the others? Should we keep it a secret?" I looked off to the side and shook my head. "They deserve to know but we should wait to tell them." He nodded and he understood.

"Oh and, don't call me Kitty again."
"It's cute! Come on babe!"
"Yay! Thanks Kitty!"
"We need to talk about my heats..."

Shiro's POV

I still feel pretty guilty of Keith's heat a couple weeks back. I completely lost control and that's something that would never happen. I would never harm him like that or mark him without his consent. Yes, I knew he thinks of me like a brother but I don't think of him like that. Sure, I may like him, but he deserves to be with someone else. I guess this is what happens when your fiancé leaves you. Adam probably loves someone else and has moved on. I do miss him and love him, but not as much as I love Kei-

Nope. No no. Just friends. Brothers. Broganes. Yup. Allura was always making sure I was ok. After that incident, I haven't been feeling myself. I feel like something is wrong but I can't quite point it out. I haven't marked Adam which is good because he dumped me about 1-2 years back. He was also an Alpha and it's very rare to see a Alpha Alpha relationship. I still have time to find someone to mark, and I hope it's an Omega this time.

Hunk's POV

I sat in the kitchen prepping lunch for everyone. I recently went to the space mall and they had some good ingredients so I decided to buy them to try some new recipes. Coran was glad enough to lend me a binder he found in his earth collection along with papers. I started filling them with new recipes for food I made that we can eat. I heard the door open and I see Pidge walk in with her nose in her phone. She sits down on the counter as she puts it away and looks at me. "Hey Hunk. Have you seen Lance?" I smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah. Him and Keith are spending time together, taking the day off ya know?" She smirked and I knew what she was gonna do. She jumped off the counter and ran out the hall with giggles.

Pidge's POV

I ran off so I had an excuse to get back to my lion. I knew Lance was going to confess his feelings and I knew Keith was going to accept them. What can I say? I'm a genius after all! The moment Lance talked about Keith, it sounded like love. No wait, it didn't sound like it, it was love. After that, I started teasing Lance from time to time. It was funny to see his reaction. Though I have been noticing something up with Shiro. He doesn't seem like himself lately but I have to say, all of us haven't been ourselves. We have been stressed out with the war and helping with the coalition. So I can't blame Shiro for his behavior recently.

I got back to my lion and sat at my desk. I took a deep sigh as I started typing on my computer. I found a way to add more features to my lion and it will be amazing. Usually Keith is here to help me but he is off with Lance somewhere and I hope they are ok. Besides, Lance is pretty controlling of himself and he knows when he stepped over his boundaries. I trust Lance around Keith. I mean I trust the whole team but I trust Lance the most. Shiro on the other hand, I get that it was his rut but he is the least person I trust right now.

I can tell Keith anything. I remember how he told me he was Omega by accident. He let it slip and I told him if it made him feel better, I would tell him my biggest secret. I may be young but I can still chose how I want my life. I told him I was Transgender. Besides me coming out as a girl, I re disguised myself as a boy so I could get into the Garrison. Only he knows that I'm Trans and we swore to each other we would never tell each other's secrets until one of us is ready. After that day, we were really close. He also asked where the nickname "Pidge" came from and I told him my brother gave it to me because a pigeon pooped on me. Thinking about it now, the story is hilarious. Keith is my closest friend ever, and I'm not going to ever let him go.


I'm losing him but also winning. I can sense it. If Lance marks my Keith and I take him away, Lance is for sure going to be devastated and he will believe Keith is dead. Why? I'm going to fake Keith's death. I'll write a note that's by "Keith" and place it in the kitchen. Then I'll leave a escape pod door open to act like he really left... or died. Keith Kogane is mine. It won't take long for Lance to stop loving him. Or maybe I should get Keith to hate him? Yes. That sounds wonderful. I can convince someone to take me to that witch planet, Jangku, and have them make me a spell. This plan will word out perfectly. Even if he is mated, he will still fall for hatred for his dear Lance.

Keith Kogane, my love, my Omega, you will soon be mine. It will be alright...
Plot twist! I added Trans Pidge because I believe it's cute. I know it would basically count her as Omega but it's a fan fiction and I love twisting it up a bit. Cliffhanger on Lance and Keith! HaHa! Anyway! See ya later!

Word Count: 1169

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