Act 26

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Year 957; The battle of Havenwell

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Year 957; The battle of Havenwell

Aurella's body felt heavy under the weight of her armor.

Half of her face was covered with her blood, her vision blurred, and her hearing distorted.

Their armor, flags, and weapons look the same.

It was chaos from where she was standing, her ripped cloak danced in the air, tainted with dirt and blood of everyone who she fought against. Her broken spear clattered on the ground as she reaches for her sword, the inquisitor's blade. A sword that has a circular sword guard with a hidden blade on the hilt.

Her hearing clears and a hell hound charges at her as the snarl of Cane booms in the skies.

She grunts and willed the blade to spin, amputating the beast's limbs, and leaving it on the ground to bleed to death. Aurella spots Irish dealing with undead saboteurs, striking her from all sides; the Queen of Caledonia aids her while they're distracted with attacking Irish, Aurella found openings to conjure ice shards against the enemies. The queen spun around and decapitates the undead soldier charging towards her, panting, lungs burning for oxygen.

"Fuck," Irish swore as blood pours from her arm. Aurella immediately rushes to her side and checks the wound and frowns, "It isn't that deep though"

Irish winced, and then grimaced, "Yeah, but it hurts like a bitch." The older queen chuckles as Irish swings her sword against a charging hellhound, "These things just won't go extinct!" Aurella deflects a descending arrow, successfully protecting her friend. "How's Lydia and Kyle?"

"Fighting like the rest of us," She states as the two readied their stance. Aurella looks to her side and spots Étrienne with Anya Gale, both pointing swords at each other as Cane punches the ground, creating cracks in his wake and summoning more guards. "Hey!" She shouted over the deafening atmosphere of shouts and chaos. "Something's not right-" She was cut off when a morbid dog mixed with a body of a lion emerged from where she's standing, distracting both women as they avoid specs of acid splattering in their direction.

"Fuck!" Irish yells as she runs away due to a speck of acid splattered on her chest plate.

Aurella on the other hand rolled beneath the steep hill ridden with corpses, mildly disorienting her.

The queen groans as she gets up, but was immediately thrown off balance when she felt a body collide against hers; causing both of them to be thrown again as Aurella hits her face against a broken shield. The woman grunts in pain as she holds her head as dizziness takes over her.

"Aurella!" A female voice shouts; sounding very similar to Anya Gale's voice. "Aurella! GET UP!"

Her senses snapped and she instinctively moves away as a familiar black greatsword pierced the shield where she had hit her face. Aurella scurried to get up and point her sword at the enemy, but they weren't there. Anya runs to her side, her temple dripping with blood and her lip was busted. "Run!"

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