New student?

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What the hell are there reads?
Like hello? What are you doing here 😨 thanks? 😘
No ones  POV
Monday morning
It was Monday, the worst day.
Naruto was sleeping peacefully, until his alarm woke him up

Naruto groans and throws it across the room.
He had gotten a new one, and he already broke it.
He sat up and stared at the wall, he didn't want to get up.
Naruto rubbed his eyes and slowly got up, and went to his closet.
He looked at all his clothes, he chose a gray, shirt with an Uzumaki symbol on it, he also chose some orange pants.
He fixed his messed up hair and went downstairs.

"Morning" he yawns looking at his elder brother, his brother was sitting on the couch, he has his hair in a ponytail, and he looked up at Naruto.

"Morning Naru" he waves and turns his attention to the tv.

Naruto plopped down next to Kurama, almost falling back asleep.
"I made you a sandwich eat it along the way to school" kurama said walking over to the table and handing the sandwich to Naruto.

Naruto looked at it it was a basic sandwich, just cheese and ham.
He looked up at Kurama and smiles as he grabs the sandwich.

"Thanks, ill be going now" Naruto gets up and yawns.

"Alright, bye Naruto! See ya later"

Naruto nods "bye Kurama!"

Naruto puts the sandwich in his mouth, and puts his shoes on, he dashes outside.

Naruto made his way to his school, he had finished his sandwich, he saw his new friend Gaara, Naruto was early, class hadn't started yet, so there was a lot of students outside of the school.

Naruto runs over to Gaara, and greets him with a hug.

This shocked Gaara, but then noticed who it was.

"Hello, Naruto" he says as Naruto gets off.

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I enrolled here, What about you?"

"Oh i go to school here, and thats great!"

"Whats your first class?" Naruto finally said after he calmed down.

Gaara pointed at the piece of paper. Naruto looks at Gaara's classes and grins.
"You have class with me, lets go!" Naruto grabs Gaara's wrist, dragging him.

"I can walk you know" Gaara tried to keep up with Naruto.

"Oh! Im sorry, heh i got excited" Naruto lets go of Gaara's wrist.

"Thats alright" Gaara said rubbing his wrist.

"Who are you?" A voice suddenly called.

Sasuke's POV
I arrived at school, only to see, some redhead getting dragged by Naruto. Naruto looked quite happy to see the redhead, which pissed me off.

Wait why am I mad? Am I jealous?

Tch jealous, yeah right. I argued with myself in my head, then headed to class.
Naruto had let go of the redhead's wrist, I took this chance to walk over to them.

"Who are you?" I stared at the redhead, he was about my height, he stared at me confused.

Naruto looked at me puzzled and puts a nervous smile.

"Hey Sasuke, this is my friend Gaara" he said with a grin.

I glared at the redhead, he definitely saw cause he glared back.
But the idiot didn't see he was to busy, explaining stuff, that I didn't care about.

"Tch, whatever" was I mad? No, maybe idk.

Naruto's POV
Sasuke seemed pissed, but for what reason.

"Well, hurry up your gonna be late to class, dobe" he definitely sounded mad as he walked away.
"OH SH- I FORGOT ABOUT CLASS" I grabbed onto Gaara's wrist and dragged him to the classroom.

"Alright, where here come."

We walked into class, Sasuke was already here.
"Your late." my teacher Iruka said with chalk in his hand.

"Sorry, i ran into someone" i grinned, while scratching the back of my head.
I forgot i dragged Gaara here.
"I forgot! Sorry Gaara" i let go of his wrist.
Gaara rubbed his wrist

"Thats fine." He didn't show that much emotion, he was kind of emo?

Iruka sighs "alright, thats fine Naruto, and as for you, you must be Gaara, right?" He said pointing at the redhead next to me.

Gaara nods. "Alright, class welcome Gaara would ya." Iruka said putting down his chalk.

That class looked at Gaara, well expect Sasuke, he still looked pissed, wonder why?

I can hear some fangirls squealing, poor Gaara.

"Alright, take that empty seat, next to Naruto" Iruka said pointing at the seat next to mine.

Sasuke's POV
whats so special about him? I was annoyed at the girls squealing, fangirling about Gaara. He didn't even look that good.

He even sits next to Naruto?

I definitely don't like this "Gaara" Naruto seemed to like him though.

Hey, so like, this was bad im sorry 😭😭🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
I still have no plot 😘

Jealous Sasuke 😔
(801 words ☹️)

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