Part 17

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Naruto blinked at Kiba.

Then again.

Then again.

Kiba snickered.  The blonde and the raven both stared at Kiba like he lost his mind. There was silence Naruto was trying to process what he said. 

After a few seconds of silence. Naruto finally realized what he said and choked on air.

"Dude, *cough* what?!" Naruto continued to choke on air.

"I know what I said." Kiba grinned.

"I think Naruto is dying"  Sai smiled pointing at Naruto, who was still choking. While Sasuke just stared at Kiba.

"Just stop choking" Kiba groans

"Is someone gonna help Naruto?" Shikamaru got up to walk over to Naruto's side.

"Dude relax, its just a dare, even a peck is alright" Kiba snickered.

"Right, you guys have socks on, no homo?" Gaara stated.

"No homo!" Kiba exclaimed putting his hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"Gah! Lets just get this over with" Naruto mumbled.

Sasuke turned his attention over to Naruto, he had his head down, obviously regretting choosing 'dare'.

Naruto's POV

No homo, no homo, no homo, no homo, no homo, no homo.

He repeated inside his head.

Its only a peck! Why os this so hard!

I hate you kiba.

Can I drop dead right now?

What if I pretend to pass out.

Thats embarrassing.

Should I walk out and never return?


I got this!

No one's POV

After arguing with himself, Naruto snapped back to reality. 

"You still don't have the courage too?" Kiba snickered

Naruto rolled his eyes, before turning his attention to the raven in front of him. Sasuke had a calm face.

Naruto gulped, he bit his lip staring at Sasuke, he was definitely nervous as well.

Kiba rolled his eyes, he was tired of waiting he signaled Gaara, Gaara smirked and nodded. Gaara walked to Sasuke's side, Kiba behind Naruto.

"Oops" Gaara and Kiba pretend to accidentally push Sasuke and Naruto.

Sasuke's lips fell on Naruto's.

They both pulled back, they both had flushed cheeks.

"Gah! Kiba!" Naruto tackled Kiba. Kiba snickered pushing Naruto off.

"What? You guys were taking forever" Kiba rolled his eyes.

Naruto's cheeks were still flushed, Sasuke's was a light pink.

Naruto got up, took a pillow away from Neji, and threw it at Kiba.

He picked it back up and started hitting Kiba with it, Kiba was laughing as Naruto continued to hit him with the pillow. Gaara chuckled grabbing a pillow and started to hit Kiba as well.

"Hey!" Kiba yelled trying to dodge the attacks.

Soon everyone joined in even shikamaru. They continued to hit Kiba with a pillow, as Kiba lied there just accepting his fate.

They group continued to Kiba until they felt sorry for him.

Naruto hit him once more before he sat back down and crossed his arms.

"Next time, never do that again" Naruto growled.

"Sorry mom" Kiba snickered.

Naruto rolled his eyes.

The group all sat back down to continue.

It was dark out, everyone started saying their goodbyes.

Naruto walked back home, he headed over to his house, the lights were on meaning kurama is home. He walked to his porch. He took out his key and inserted it. He turn the knob slowly, before he entered. He slipped off his shoes, and his coat. He headed over to the living room, his elder brother was passed out. He placed his keys down, and walked over to the couch where kurama was fast asleep.

Naruto chuckled at the scene, kurama had one hand hanging off the couch, his hair was messed up and he still had his shoes one.

Naruto's POV

Hm he must be tired, I wonder when he got home.

I slipped off his shoes and put them down on the wooden floor.  I took a blanket and placed it over my elder brother. He deserves a good rest.

I slipped my phone out of my pocket to see some notifications.

All from kurama.

Hey kit, i got home early, i found your note, make sure you be safe or ill kill you.  Text me if ya can! Alright, cya idiot.

(1:34 pm)

Hope your having fun! I cant believe im acting like a mother :/ anyways text me if ya can so i know your alright! Cya kit.


You probably aren't using your phone, so ill stop texting 😅. Anyways ill wait for you at home alr kit! Cya later, thats if i don't fall asleep.  Hope your having fun rascal.


I smiled at those messages, kurama is really cold around others except me, he has a soft side. Ill make sure to text him next time.

I placed my phone on a coffee table and sat down next to my sleeping elder brother. To think he actually sat here at and waited for me. We haven't got the time to spend time with each-other which sucks. I'll stay home tomorrow and wait for him, maybe we can hang out.

Should I get a job? Kurama always works so he barely gets rest, so if I get a job then that means Kurama can get more rest while i get us more money. We aren't poor, but Kurama keeps working everyday, so I'll get a job and help him out. Its about time I do something.

No ones POV

Naruto sat there for a while watching tv.

Naruto started to slowly drift off to sleep, so he turned the tv off, and looked over at his sleeping elder brother. His brother was sleeping peacefully. Naruto laid next to him, covered both of them with a blanket. He closed his eyes, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Bro i dont have the energy.

Im still gonna continue this book tho.

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