Part 18

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Naruto woke up to the sun shining through his windows. The light over Naruto's tanned skin.

He groaned sitting up. Although he felt some heat next to him.

He turned around to see his elder brother fast asleep. His hair was messy, and he looked so peaceful. Naruto looked around realizing he was in his room.

'He must've brought me back to my room, then passed out right after'

Naruto chuckled at the thought.

He rubbed his eyes, he let his gaze outside. Sun shining down, birds flying, kids running, and cars passing by. He yawns and turns his attention to his elder brother. Kurama slowly fluttered his eyes open. Kurama sat up rubbing his eyes, trying to get use to the light.

"Morning" Naruto gave a toothy grin.

"Morning naru" a small smile crawled to kurama's lips.

"You have work?" Naruto let his legs hang out of the bed, slowly getting off.

"Nope, I got lucky" kurama chuckles.

"Alright!" Naruto threw his hands in the air, and gave a big grin.

Kurama yawns, he let his legs hang over the bed, and slid his body off the bed. He ran his hand through his hair, he grabbed a hair tie, messed up his hair a little, before he grabbed his hair in his hand, sliding it through the hair tie.

"Do you tie your hair everyday?" Naruto chuckled

"Mhm, It looks better" Kurama sighs.

"Hm, cool" Naruto ran his hand through his hair, messing it up a little.

They both went downstairs to the kitchen. They both stood there not knowing what to cook.

"Pancakes?" Kurama suggested.

"Remember last time.." Naruto groans.

"Oh, yeah we had a war, never mind" Kurama chuckled.

"Eggs and bacon?" Kurama walked over to the fridge and opened it staring at the food they had.

"Sure, you can handle the bacon ill do the eggs." Naruto grinned, as he walked over to the fridge.

"Alright." A slight smile crawled to kurama's lips.

Naruto grabbed some eggs, as kurama got the bacon. They headed over to the cabinet to grab some pans.

They both place down their pans, on the stove. Kurama turns the stove on, heating up Naruto's as well.

Naruto grabbed an egg from the batch, he cracked it on the table, and let the egg slip out of the shell. He grabbed another doing the same thing.

Kurama grab some pieces of bacon and slowly let it slide down onto the pan. The bacon started to sizzle.

Naruto grabbed a spatula and picked up the eggs. He placed the, down on separate plates. He sprinkled tiny bits salt.

Kurama placed the cooked bacon down on the plates that Naruto gave. He grabbed his own while Naruto grabbed his plate.

They placed their plates down on the dining table. Naruto sat down, as kurama went back into the kitchen. He grabbed two cups, and turned the sink on, letting the water flow into the cup. Once it was full he placed it down on the counter.

"Hey Naruto, water, milk, or orange juice?" Kurama held up his cup.

"Orange juice!" Naruto gave a toothy grin.

Kurama chuckles, he went over to the fridge to grab the juice. He turned the cap, then popping it off. He poured the juice into the cup. Once it was full, he slipped the cap back on. He put the juice back in the fridge. Then shut the fridge close. He walked over to the counter to grab his water, then headed over to the dining table.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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