The return

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Jaune/Giblet POV

Giblet: Huh?! Where the hell am I?! The last thing I remember was fighting...

Giblet: Huh?! Where the hell am I?! The last thing I remember was fighting

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Giblet: Shallot?! But where the hell am I?

Then a massive pain erupted in head.

Giblet: Ah my head!

Giblet: 'Wait what are these?' * he then recovers all of his memories from his pass life as Jaune Arc* 'Wait I remember now my is Jaune...Jaune Arc. I was a huntsman is train then that bastard Cardin.'

Then a beowolf appeared out of the bushes ready to slash at him but with Giblets/Jaunes quick reflexes he was able to blast the creatures away with a big Ki blast but not without notice.


Back at Beacon Academy

Glynda: Headmaster you see that?!

Ozpin: Yes Glynda I do.

Glynda: What Evers going on we need a team to investigate.

Ozpin: Agree. 'Strange that's the same place where Mr. Arc was killed?'

RWBY's dorm

Glynda: Attention would teams RWBY and Team NPR come to the office immediately!

Yang: Uh I wonder what's that for?

Ruby: Could be a new mission.

Weiss: Well we better not keep them waiting.

Blake: Agree.

Time skip

A few minutes has pass and Teams RWBY and NPR exit the elevator to see Professor Glynda Goodwitch and Headmaster Professor Ozpin.

Ruby: You needed use sir?

Ozpin: Yes Miss Rose is appears there has been and unknown explosion in the Emerald Forest and you all to investigate and report back what has happened understood.

Yang: You got it so where in the Emerald forest?

Glynda: *sigh* close to Jaune Arcs grave.

The entire room went silent Both teams RWBY and NPR had their head down after Jaune death. Yang felt bad for bullying Jaune and Weiss and Blake felt bad for verbally abuse him. Ruby slowly had tears on her face and Pyrrha felt empty again knowing she will never be able to tell her true feelings for him.

Ruby: Understood we'll be on our way.

And so team RWBY and (J)NPR sent off to the Emerald Forest to investigate the blast.

Back at the Emerald forest

Giblet: Hold shit was that a Grimm...wait then that means!

He looks up into the sky to see a shattered moon above him.

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