Beacons Saiyan

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Upon arriving Giblet/Jaune arrive in Beacon for the first time in years.

Giblet: Damn this place hasn't change one bit.

Pyrrha: Hey!

Giblet: Ah Pyrrha glad you can make it. Where are the others?

Pyrrha: They'll be here soon.

Giblet: Good course I've been meaning to asked you.

Pyrrha: Me?

Giblet: Yes Pyrrha. I heard back at my grave that you like me.

Pyrrha blushed remembering that Jaune has heard everything that other said including her.

Pyrrha: *blushed* W-well I'm uh.

Giblet: Pyrrha it's alright I feel the same too.

Pyrrha: Wait you do?

Giblet: Yes I do and I'm sorry for not noticing it earlier but I feel the same way.

Pyrrha couldn't handle it she suddenly froze and was about to fell but Jaune caught her in time.

Giblet: Pyrrha Pyrrha you alright Pyrrha!

Time skip to Ozpin's office

Ozpin: Ah Team RWBY and (J)NPR you've returned and you brought a friend with you.

Ruby: Yes Headmaster and your not gonna believe who this is.

Ozpin: Please tell me.

Ruby: Well this person right here was the cause of the explosion but this part might surprise you.

Glynda: And how exactly?

Ruby: Well this person is Jau-

Nora: Our fearless Leader Jaune!

Glynda: What!

Giblet: Hello Headmaster Ozpin it's been far too long.

Ozpin: Is that really you Jaune?

Giblet: Yes sir and I know I might be hard to believe it's me just asking me questions that the real Jaune would know.

Glynda: Ok first off why was Jaune expelled from Beacon?

Giblet: *sigh* because of the bastard known as Cardin Winchester revealed my fake transcript which make half of my friends and the school go against me and my so called father to disown me. Also Ozpin you can call me Giblet or Jaune instead of Arc would you kindly.

Ozpin: Alright Mr Ar- I mean Jaune. So I heard you were the cause of the explosion.

Giblet: Yes the moment I've arrived a beowolf tried to attack me but I ended it quick.

Ozpin: interesting and how did you do it?

Giblet: I killed it with a Ki blast.

Glynda: Ki blast?

Giblet: Ki is basically if I remember a superior version of aura. Instead of being apart of the soul it's all around use in all living things.

Ozpin: I'm intrigued can you demonstrate this Ki?

Giblet: Alright. *forms a small Ki ball in his hand*

Glynda: Incredible.

Ozpin: If you don't mind me asking what happened to you after you death.

Giblet: Alright I'll tell you everything.

Jaune/ Giblet then told his life story of the his reincarnation as a saiyan and his birth to the events of the tournament of time and the one cause of it, a person name Zahha use him and his twin brother Shallot as experiments for his own gain. He also told his transformations he's able to tap lastly being the Super Saiyan God.

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