Pyrrha's Flying lessons

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Giblet: Ok Pyrrha todays the day you learn about Ki control before you're ready to fly ok.

Pyrrha: Ok

Both Pyrrha and Jaune both sat down on the ground ready for Pyrrha's first lesson on Ki.

Giblet: Ok Pyrrha quiet you mind and relax. When you ready start slowly drawing out your energy from within. (Jaune then did the same technique as Gohan did with Videl.)

Then a small Ki ball appears between Jaune's two hand

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Then a small Ki ball appears between Jaune's two hand. Pyrrha just focus on how Jaune did thinking she could do the same.

Giblet: Ok now you try.

Pyrrha: Ok.

She then cleared her mind and out both her hand opposite of each other in front of her chest. She focused her energy into them trying to form a small Ki ball. In her mind she never thought is would be this tiring but the continued. After a few hours and fails and she slowly was able to do it she finally made a small Ki ball between he palms. Eyes filled with happiness she was finally able to use her Ki and control it properly.

Pyrrha: I-I did it!

Giblet: Congratulation now you might be ready to fly now.

Pyrrha: Really?!

Giblet: I guess now first step is to relax you body but also doing the same to you Ki.

Pyrrha: You're saying I have to do both at the same time!

Giblet: Exactly now give it try.

Pyrrha: Ok... here I go?

She then stands up and relax her muscles and focused hard on her Ki. Then a gust of wind began pushing away from Pyrrha was the first sign that she is a fast learner. All of sudden she slowly started to float.

Giblet: Ok just keep doing that.

Soon Pyrrha was able to float at least a few feet in the air.

Pyrrha: 'I'm doing it I'm really doing it!'

Giblet: That's great Pyrrha no just land back down so we can continue training tomorrow ok.

Pyrrha: Yeah sure.

Giblet: But I must admit I would never expected to see you be able to control you Ki I such little time, color me impress.

Pyrrha: *blush* really?

Giblet: Yeah for me it took weeks to learn Ki control but for you it took a few hours.

Pyrrha: Well I guess I'm just lucky.

Giblet: Well then we should get back to beacon alright.

Pyrrha: Sure.

Time skip 10 days

10 days has passed and Pyrrha is now an expert on flying. Jaune now see her flying by herself really puts a smile on his face.

Giblet: 'Wow 10 days and she's flying like a pro. That girl is something else.'

Pyrrha: Hahaha this is amazing hahaha!

Giblet: I proud of you babe you really know really made me proud.

Pyrrha: Well thank you Jaune for being an amazing teacher...wait did you call me babe?

Giblet: Oh I guess I did. Well you are my girlfriend after all.

Pyrrha: Well maybe I could reward you for teaching me how to fly.

Giblet: Please Pyrrha being here with you is a reward it self and besides tomorrow I will be teaching you one of my techniques.

Pyrrha: With one?

Giblet: My Wild Cannon.

Pyrrha: Wait you mean that attack you use on Cardin!

Giblet: Yes indeed this move is really powerful and dangerous if not use properly.

Pyrrha: Ok I think I'll be ready.

Giblet: Good now let's head back to Beacon, I'll race you there.

Pyrrha: Your on.

And so the two flew off to Beacon at full speed seeing which one is the fastest.

At Beacon Academy

Ruby was just walking around minding her own business when she sees both Jaune and Pyrrha flying in the sky with Jaune in front and Pyrrha behind.

Ruby: Wait is Pyrrha flying No fair!

She then ran towards their direction which is their dorm room. And as soon Pyrrha and Jaune arrived they were greeted by Nora and Ren staring at them through the window.

Nora: Oh my Oum Pyrrha you flying!!!

Ren: This is surprising?

Pyrrha: It's all thanks to Jaune for teaching how to fly.

Nora then look at Jaune with stars in her eyes.

Nora: Teach me how to fly now!!!

Ren: Nora please I think there is more to flying than that.

Giblet: He's right Nora and besides you need to have a calm mind in order to you Ki control.

Nora: Ugh the one think I can't do is have a calm mind.

Ren: It's because you're always hyper from all those pancakes.

Then they heard a kick in the door and to see Ruby panting and pointing and Jaune.

Ruby: Jaune *panting* teach me how *trying to breath* to fly now!

Giblet: *sigh* Ruby you need to calm down. Ok who else wants to learn how to fly?

Only Ruby, Nora and Ren Raised their hands

Giblet: Ok but only the three of you!

To be continued

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