Lets do this!

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Universe 7

Goku: Hey Lord Beerus where's Shallot? I wanna see how strong he's become?

Beerus: *sigh* if you must know Goku. Shallot decided to help his brother with his matter at hand.

Whis: What he's trying to say that Shallot is helping his brother Giblet on saving his planet from a witch name Salem.

Goku: Cool is she strong? Can I go there too?

Beerus: Absolutely not! We need you here to gather as much Allie's as you can! We can't let Zahha get the upper hand on us! Plus if he notice you left who knows what he'll do!

Goku: Oh come on! No fair.

Who's: I'm afraid he's right Goku. As much we want to excelerate the process we need to make sure Zahha stays oblivious to our plan.

Goku: ok I'll grab more people. *flies away*

Beerus: I swear if Shallot doesn't make this quick we're doomed.

Whis: Why not send Shallots student Cabba.

Beerus: Hmmm that might increase his chance on completing his mission... do it!

Whis: I'll grab him immediately.

Vytal festival tournament

Oobleck: and for the the next round we have Shallot versus Penny!

Penny is combat ready but not against Shallot. Giblet decided to have a little pep talk with his brother.

Giblet: Listen Shallot go easy on her and remember sense her artificial aura. She may be robot but she Atlas made her to have an artificial aura so sense that ok.

Shallot: Oh come on?!

Jaune gave a stern look to his brother in which her groaned by agreed. Soon both Shallot and Penny have both entered the arena as the crowed roared in excitement. Both got into stance as the bell rang. Both fighters went at each other with Penny throwing her swords at Shallot while he dodge them all and landed a powerful blow onto her stomach which forced her back onto the other side of the arena. Back at where Jaune was standing he could see the fight playing off normal but he was thinking what's Cinders next move was.

Giblet: Ok Cinder what's your plan this time around?

Back at the arena Penny was on the loosing end while Shallot wasn't breaking a sweat.

Shallot: Is that all you got even a Yamcha and do better than you!

Then she use her last ditch effort and use her swords ready to strike but to Shallot's POV what he saw couldn't been possible. He saw her conjure up many swords by the thousands. Shallot was confused but he knew in this situation what to do. As the sword came at him he formed a energy barrier to protect him form the incoming blades.

Shallot: BARRIER!!!

But to his surprise only seven blades hit its mark while the rest disappeared. He knew what is going on Emerald tried to mess with his mind but in reality she wanted him to do something drastic like killing her. He need to end this quick so he discharged his barrier and charged at Penny delivery a power Ki palm right on her stomach which forced her out of the ring.



The crowd was going wild at the display of power Shallot shown. Then the Grimm alarm went off warning everyone in the stadium the is a lever 9 Grimm attack. Everyone was now in a panic and running everywhere for shelter.

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