The Tournament Begins

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Nora: This is AWESOME!!! I can believe the Vytal festival has started!

Pyrrha: I agree. It's going to be interesting fighting against other huntsman and huntresses in the tournament today.

Shallot: Wait there's a tournament?

Giblet: Yes Shallot there is. Also lucky for us Ozpin gave you and I our very own round to fight in. Just me and you.

Shallot: Awesome! I can finally go all out against you Giblet! Plus I wonder if I could fight some huntsman in there too?

Giblet: I think you can. Ozpin also told me that you and I will be acting as another team againt 4 other teams.

Ren: Sounds unfair.

Nora: Yeah for the other teams. You need at least 50 or 100 to beat these two saiyans.

Shallot/Giblet: Thank you/thanks.

Shallot: Hey isn't that team RWBY?

Nora: Let's go congratulate them on their victory!

Ren: Nora please.

Time skip

Blake: No.

Pyrrha: Mind if I help?

Ruby: Pyrrha!

Yang: Awww you don't have to.

Blake: But she could!

Pyrrha: Well, I think you all earned it after that battle.

Shallot: Mind if we join you?

Another time skip

Bowl count:

Ruby: 1

Weiss: 1

Blake: 1

Yang: 1

Shallot: 15

Giblet: 14

Pyrrha: 1

Ren: 1

Nora: 1

Ren: Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?

Pyrrha: Of course. It will give us energy.

Nora/ Shallot: *unleashed a Godly burp*

Everyone: *laughs*


Shallot: Hmm? *pulls out his scroll*

Blake: What is it Shallot?

Shallot: Ozpin wants to see me in his office today.

Ruby: What for?

Shallot: I don't know maybe for something maybe.

?: Hey guys!

Ruby: Ah team CFVY!

Velvet: How are you guys?

Weiss: We're doing good.

Velvet: *looks to Shallot* H-hi Shallot. *blush*

Coco: Looking good Shallot.

Shallot: *light blush* Hey Velvet. Thanks Coco.

Jaune seeing this. He noticed that for the first time his brother was blushing over when talking to Velvet and Coco. Then he had a smirk and looks at his girlfriend.

Giblet: Hey Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Yes Jaune?

Giblet: I think my brother has a crush on Velvet and Coco.

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