Saiyans are the key

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Ozpin's office

As both Qrow and James argue about their methods of how things work Ozpin decided to chip in.

Ozpin: Ok that's enough. *sigh* Qrow I'm just trying to understand why you are here?

James: You've been out of contact for weeks! You can't just go dark on that in the field!

Qrow: I'm not one of you special operatives James!

Winter: General.

Qrow: What ever.

Shallot: Why does he sound familiar Giblet?

Giblet: how the hell im I supposed to know.

Qrow: Also I have a question why are they here?

He then gestures to Winter, Shallot, and Giblet. Everyone was silent for a moment until James told only Winter to leave with she reluctantly agreed but have Giblet and Shallot stay.

Qrow: Ok but what about those two?

Ozpin: They are our new members of our circle.

Qrow: What?!

James: He's right the one in the hood is a close friend of your niece.

Qrow: Close huh? What's your name kid?

Giblet: hmph if you must know human my name is Giblet or used to be Jaune Arc.

Qrow: Wait aren't you the guy who faked his way to beacon and died like months ago?

Giblet: The very same.

Ozpin: He's been reincarnated like me but in a different dimension. He's one of our most powerful units ever including his brother shallot.

Shallot: Hi!

Glynda: And also Jaune here is also the new Fall maiden.

James: Or Fall Saiyan I would call now.

Qrow: Wait wait wait... did you say fall saiyan?

Ozpin: Yes Jaune has absorbed Ambers powers and has made it his own.

Qrow: But I thought maiden power can only transfer to females only?

Glynda: But with Giblet he's a special case. I'm still trying to wrap around the fact he absorb her power without any difficulty.

Qrow: Well what ever the case what about Amber?

It was silent once again. What they are about to tell him is one that he will not like.

Ozpin: Jaune plans to use her as bait when the time comes.

Qrow: What you can't be serious!

Giblet: I am. Using Amber as bait will help me get the remaining fallen maiden power back and end this conflict for good and finally able to go back to my world to stop Zahha.

Qrow: Zahha? Who's Zahha?

Ozpin: A person stronger and more dangerous than Salem.

Qrow: ... ok I'm not as nearly as drunk for this shit.

Ozpin: Well that's aside Giblet what's our next move?

Giblet: We are planning on continuing her stupid plan till it comes into play. Then Shallot and I will show her the power of a saiyan first hand.

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