Unexpected Appearance

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Weiss: Professor Oobleck?

Oobleck: Yes I afraid those bags won't be necessary, Everyone! Seeing as you've opted to shadow a huntsman on what is now was essentially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you we will not be establishing a single base of operation. Rather we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland and making camp in any defendable location we may stumble upon. I've packed all of our essentials myself, plotted our course and readied the airship And it's doctor Oobleck to you!

Giblet: 'man I forgotten he talks this fast.'

Oobleck: Come now everyone. According to my schedule we are already three minutes behind...schedule! *runs off to the bullhead*

Ruby: Well alright then. Looks like we're going to save the world with doctor Oobleck- ok yeah, when you say it out loud it sound worse.

Giblet: I've heard worse names before.

Nora: Like what?

Giblet: let's see. Buu, Cell, Frieza, Raditz, the list goes on.

Yang: Says the one who's name himself Giblet.

Giblet: Hey Giblet is the name I was born with! And I'm proud of it!

Ruby: Well-



Ruby: Well let's go have an adventure hah I guess?

Giblet: Yeah I guess.

Tim skip

Oobleck: So you telling me that your race can get stronger after a near death experience!

Giblet: Yeah. Thanks to my brother Shallot, we fought each other to near death more times than I could count.

Oobleck: And you said these saiyan can also turn into these giant apes in the full moon?

Giblet: They can but I cut off my tail. Didn't like the thought of me turning into that horrendous form that represents the evil side of our race.

Oobleck: Amazing simply amazing your race is really a mystery! Also Ruby!

Ruby: Eep yes Professor Oobleck?

Oobleck: It's Doctor to you also why did you bring you bag here instead of leaving it back that the school?

Ruby: Well you didn't told us to listen soooo.

Giblet: She's not wrong tho.

Oobleck: Indeed.

Giblet: Hey Ruby didn't you bag just move?

Ruby: Huh No your just seeing things heh?

Giblet: Ruby you know well enough That i can sense everyone, human, animal, or Faunus cross the entire planet.

Ruby: Oh I uh.

Oobleck: Miss Rose what do you have in your bag!

*Zwei pops out of the bag*

Ruby: get back in the back.

Giblet: Wait you brought Zwei with you?

Ruby: Um well I...

Oobleck: Genius!!! *grabs Zwei* Caninesarehistoricallyknownfortheirperceptivenoseandheightenedsenceofsound. Makingthemexcellentcompanionsforhuntsuchasours!!!

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