(Beta) Story 2: The Stranger in Red

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As the group reunited with Jaune/Giblet it turned into a quiet ride back as Jaune looked out the window looking at his reflection. Pyrrha gotten concerned of his well-being so she decided to break the ice.

Pyrrha: Jaune are you ok?

Giblet: Pyrrha do you still think I'm a nice person?

Pyrrha: Y-yeah why you ask?

Giblet: Do you and the others still consider me as a friend after what I've done?

Pyrrha: W-what do you mean?

Giblet: We'll discuss this with the headmaster.

As they finally reached Beacon Academy Jaune after a very long time. It's like nothing changed during his death but he knew deep down he's changed. The others don't know that's he's no longer the lovable goofball they once knew but a calm and focused person who thrives to get stronger. Many students eyed at him with wonder and confusion until a certain group that made Jaune's past life a living hell.

Yang: Hey Ruby there you are.

Ruby: Oh great, what do you want Yang?

Yang: I just wanting to make sure you're ok?

Ruby: Yang I'm old enough to take of myself.

Yang: Ruby if it's about Jaune I'm sorry ok. We know what we did is wrong but you need to get over the fact that he's gone.

Ruby: Heh wait till hear who's behind me.

Yang: What?

Ruby: Nothing.

Yang: So who's the hunk in the red?

Ruby: Oh he's-

Giblet: I'm Giblet.

Yang: Well hello handsome why don't you take off you hood so I can get a better look at ya?

Giblet: Tch. 'The nerve on this girl. Don't think she'll earn my forgiveness so easily.'

Ruby: H-he's not in the best mood Yang

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Ruby: H-he's not in the best mood Yang. We're going actually going to talk to the headmaster.

Weiss: Can we come?

Ruby: I-I well.

She then felt an arm rest on her shoulder seeing Jaune nodding his head yes. He wants them to know the truth. He was them to how much more powerful he is. They all walk together now heading towards the elevator that leads to Ozpin's Office.


Ozpin: Come in. Ah team RWBY, PNR, and CFVY how May I help you? And who might you be mister?

Coco: Sir you may need to sit for this.

Glynda: And why is that?

Velvet: This person right here is... someone you've met before.

Ozpin: Really now? I have no recollection on meetings this person before.

Giblet: Oh but you have Mr. Ozpin. So you see I used to be one of your first years who "applied" the same year as Ruby.

Ozpin: And your name?

Giblet: My name is Giblet. No last name just Giblet. But you all used to know me as Jaune Arc.

WBY: What?!

Glynda: Impossible Mr. Arc died months ago and his body was confirmed. How can you be Mr. Arc?

Weiss: And do you have any proof?

Jaune kept his stoic face expecting this thing to happen.

Nora: It's true sir! He told us everything that Jaune knows

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Nora: It's true sir! He told us everything that Jaune knows.

Ruby: Yeah and only a few people can call me crater face.

Ozpin: Ok then. Mr.Ar-

Giblet: Don't you dare call me that human I'm no longer and Arc. It's Giblet and only those who I deemed worthy on calling that once more!

He then flares a bit of his Ki frightening the entire room and shaking the tower as a whole.

Ozpin: O-ok Mr.Giblet. How did Mr.Arc apply here?

Giblet: My old self apply here by faking a transcript. Then when the worthily piece of space known as Cardin revealed my transcript everything except them *point to the once that care except Yang, Weiss, and Blake* bullies me to the point of death. You say this is a prestigious academy yet you let me get bullied and let the human filth to continue bullying the weak. If it were up to me I would have killed everyone including you for your failure as the headmaster and as a so called huntsman.

They looked down knowing that it was their fault for his death and Ozpin was in deep regret and fear that he aloud to have students act like that.

Ozpin: I... agree. I've failed as the headmaster and by that have gotten you killed. So you are here to kill me?

Giblet: No but only one. I assume you know who.

Glynda: unacceptable you can't just kill a student of-

But before she could finish Jaune appeared in front of her and grabbed her by the throat lifting her up and slowly choking her.

Giblet: You too failed as a huntress Miss Goodwitch. You have no word to say after not punishing the students here. I can kill you with out any effort and neither you or Atlas can do anything about.

Jaune can see the fear in her eyes as she could see a flash of green in his eyes like a god is looking into her soul.

Pyrrha: Jaune please calm down.

Ren: Killing her won't help.

Giblet: Tch fine. *drops her* Now that was a warning.

Ozpin: S-so Mr. Giblet I assume you want to return to Beacon?

Giblet: Only to kill Cardin and teach them *points to WBY* and the rest of team CRDL of how much they made a big mistake on crossing me.

Ozpin: Very well.

Glynda: O-Ozpin sir you can't!

Ozpin: No he's right. Plus I have a feeling that he could not only destroy Beacon but Vale it self.

Giblet: Oh I can more than that Ozpin but will you foe fill my request or I would have to do it by anyway?

Ozpin:... I'll accept.

Giblet: Wise choice and Miss Goodwitch if you intervene you as well will die by my hands.

She shuddered in fear now accepting his terms. She was filled with regret on not punishing the students here for bullying and now this was the price.

Ozpin: Glynda please call all students to mean at the auditorium for... the match.

Glynda: Y-yes sir.

Jaune then looks directly at Yang, Weiss, and Blake with a smirk on his face.

Giblet: Now let's see how long you there can last?

To be continued

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