The Reunion

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After Jaune/ Giblet explained to CFVY about his Reincarnation Jaune was called again to return to Ozpin's office.

Giblet: *sigh* alright I'll see you guys later ok.

All: Alright take care.

Giblets: Oh and Pyrrha after I'm done with Ozpin how about you and I go to Vale and hang  out what do you say?

Pyrrha: I love to.

Giblet: Alright Then I'll be off.

Time skip

As Jaune exits the elevator and enters he sees his seven sister and his mother too but the one in the room who made his blood boil was his father.

Mrs. Arc: Ozpin you said you have some information about my dead son and who's this?

Ozpin: Calm down Mrs. Arc this person standing before you is the Reincarnation of Jaune Arc.

They all gasp not believe that the saiyan before them is Jaune Arc.

Bianca: Wait are you saying that this man right here is our baby brother but reincarnated?

Ozpin: Yes.

Olivia : I don't believe.

Then Jaune sang the one song that defended him from his sisters.

Giblet: *sigh* We'll swim through lakes and climb up trees; Catch fish, bugs, bears, and honeybees! There's endless possibilities And no, That's not hyperbole! Our motto's "CAMPE DIEM"And that means I'm telling you~

All 7 sisters: STOP!!! *gasp*

Giblet: Heh hey sis.

All: JAUNE!!!

The soon ran at him almost tackleing him to the ground but Jaune was ready for them.

Giblet: It's good to see you all again. *hugs all of them*

Mrs.Arc: Son is that really you?

Giblet: Yes mom it's me.

She then ran towards him giving him a hug while crying.

Mrs.Arc: Oh my baby boy it's good to see you again.

She then looks at his face and sees a big scar on his cheek.

Mrs. Arc: Oh my Oum what happen to you cheek? Did someone did this to you tell me I'll make them pay!

Giblet: Relax mom I got this scar by my brother.

All: Brother?!

Mrs.Arc: I have another son?

Giblet: Well not exactly more like a son in law but yeah his name is Shallot and he's my twin brother.

Mr.Arc: It's good to see you again so-

Giblet: You shut up you not my father Not any more!

Mr.Arc: Son?!

Giblet: I'm not you son you son of a bitch to you my name is Giblet only the people I care can call me by my real name got it!

Everyone was taken back by Jaune's outburst and felt an immense power coming from him.

Giblet: You disowned me, You kick me out and left in the streets, also you left me to die in the fucking woods!!! You are no father of mine. *forms a Ki blast point directly at his father*

Mrs.Arc: Jaune Wait!

Jade: Brother calm down!

But he fire the Ki blast missing his fathers head by an inch. Everyone was shock by his power alone.

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