Prepartion comes first

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It was morning and both Pyrrha and Jaune were in bed together still naked from their little love making last night. Then Jaune was began to sweat a bit and mumbling to him self. In Jaune's dream or vision he sees his brother Shallot fighting all sorts of enemies but he's still having trouble here and there then he sees a flashback of him on the floor and sees Shallot stabbed by Zahha. Upon seeing his brother getting stabbed Jaune sate up immediately panicking and yelling his brother name out load.

Giblet: Shallot!!!

This Woke up Pyrrha wondering why her boyfriend was sweating and looked afraid.

Pyrrha: Jaune what happened are you ok?

Giblet: *huff* yeah I'm alright it just I had a dream or a flashback of my brother getting stabbed.

Pyrrha: You mean you brother Shallot right, who stabbed him?

Giblet: It was Zahha and the. I saw him face other enemies before that.

Pyrrha: Well I hope you brother is alright out there.

Giblet: Yeah but one day I have to return and help Shallot.

Pyrrha: Well you better take me with you ok.

Giblet: Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: You've helped these last 6 months and I want to repay you by helping you brother out once you return.

Giblet: Well you better be prepared cause the enemies we faced are god level strong so you better train hard to get to their level.

Pyrrha: I will.

Then the door busted open revealing their friends at with happy faces until the saw Jaune and Pyrrha in bed both naked but covered by the blanket. All were shocked of what they were seeing while Yang covered Ruby's eyes for her protection.

Nora: Oh come on get a room you two!

Giblet: This is our room!!

Nora: Yeah but not here!

Ren: Please not in our dorm tho.

Giblet: Ok I'll won't do it here ok now if you all can turn around and not look I'll be changing into my normal clothes thank you very much.

The turn around not wanting to disturb Jaune's privacy but Yang took a glance at Jaune gawking at his muscular body. Time flies as Jaune and Pyrrha are dressed up Giblet notified that he'll be talking to Ozpin for a bit and he'll be right back.

Time skip to Ozpin's office

Jaune then exited out of the elevator before hearing Ironwood and Glynda arguing to each other.

James: They we're here. Ozpin they were HERE!!!

Glynda: We are very much aware of that, thank you James.

James: Fantastic you're aware. Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?

Giblet: *cough*

Ozpin: Ah Mr. Jaune it's good to see you.

James: Wait mean the person who faked his way to Beacon and died that's impossible!

Glynda: I thought so too but he's like Ozpin. He's been reincarnated but differently.

Ozpin: So Mr. Jaune I assume you have information about the issue from last night?

Giblet: Yes I do and I recognized the person who I fought and her friends.

James: And who are they?

Giblet: Their names are Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, and Mercury Black.

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