Macaque v.s Monkey King x reader part 1

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*so quick context. You and Macaque are friends for now, but you two aren't in a relationship... At least not yet 😏*

Macaque side stepped your punch, swept your legs out from under you with his tail, and had you pinned all in under a second.

"You hesitate too much." He critiqued.  "I can promise you, your enemies won't make that mistake."

You scoffed.

"What enemies? I don't have any enemies."

Macaque rose an eyebrow questioningly.

"What about that monkie kid?"

You rolled your eyes at the accusation and squirmed.

"He isn't my enemy. Just because you two don't get along doesn't make him my enemy."

Macaque released you in a surprisingly gentle way. 

"Y/n you can't trust him."

"Why?" You asked absently stretching your sore muscles.

Macaque fell silent and you winced.

"Oh....oh I'm sorry, Macaque. I didn't make the connection."

Macaque only shook his head and shrugged as though it didn't bother him. But you could see how his tail flicked agitatedly.

This time you fell silent trying to think of what to say.

"I'm not worried about him." Macaque spoke finally. "I'm more concerned....about someone else." His voice trailed off. And his gaze refused to meet yours.

You had met Macaque about a year ago. And recently M.k had saved your life. And somehow you two had hit it off. Macaque disliked you two hanging out. At first you thought he was jealous but soon you learned how he felt about the Monkey king.

You hadn't gone anywhere near Monkey King, but still Macaque was guarded and you knew he worried.

"Macaque," addressed gently touching his shoulder. "I'll be careful, I promise."

Macaque met your gaze at your touch.  Then, as you spoke he studied your eyes. Eventually he sighed.

"Fine. But if anything happens you'll call me. Promise me?"

You smiled and nodded.

"Alright. Training's done for today."

"Yes!" You cheered waving to him as you raced off.

M.k was waiting and you already felt guilty for training taking so long.

Macaque had likely done it as a power move. Or possibly to brace himself. You weren't sure which.

You rushed to Pigsy's noodle shop and paused in the door way to catch your breath.

"I-I'm sorry to be late-" you sucked in a few gasps. "But training went over time."

M.k gave you a nervous smile while pigsy pressed a sack into his hand.

"Actually, I was just about to text you about that. Pigsy was getting a ton more calls today so I have been busy too."

"Oh." You wilted a bit.

"But-" M.k interjected quickly. "This is the last order so we can still hang. Mei  says she'll be waiting at the arcade. You can head over there if you want."

You hesitated for a moment. You didn't know Mei. Today was going to be your first meeting. You certainly didn't want to go alone.

"A-Actually, could I maybe tag along with you?"

M.k rose an eyebrow at you curiously.

"I...don't wanna meet Mei alone." You admitted finally.

M.k chuckled as he climbed into an odd looking car.

"It's alright. Mei is a little intimidating. Hop in."

You obeyed promptly and mostly just watched the scenery. Holding on tightly all the while. M.k wasn't a bad driver...but his turns were sharp and he drove fast.

Soon you arrived at a temple. You cocked your head to the side curiously, but M.k didn't miss a beat. He simply hopped out of the car the noodles in hand.

So, you followed suit silently.

He knocked on the door and once it opened he offered the sack.

You, however, nearly fell over. At first, you'd thought it was Macaque. Although, the second glance informed you of how wrong that assumption was.

"Hey you finally made it!" The Tan Monkey cheered.

"Hey Monkey King." M.k greeted nonchalantly just handing him the order.

Suddenly your gut churned. Monkey King was Macaque's enemy. He was what had worried Macaque earlier. Soon it became very clear you'd made a terrible mistake.

Slowly, you started to back away from the temple to the car. Unfortunately, your movement caught not only M.k's attention, but the Monkey King's as well.

"Who's your friend bud?" Monkey King asked his lips curling up into a smug smirk.

"Oh! This is Y/n. Y/n this is the legendary Monkey King!" M.k announced proudly.

"Nice to meet you. M.k shouldn't we go?" Your words were clipped but more from panic than anything else.

Monkey King rose a brow.

And M.k visibly deflated.

"But... Don't you wanna talk to him or anything? He's a legend."

You didn't want to be rude, but you also didn't want to be anywhere near someone who hurt Macaque so badly.

"I'm sure he's busy, so let's-" You took M.k by the arm gently and started towards the car.

Monkey King leaned against the doorway observing you.

"Do I know you from somewhere?"

Instantly you paused.


"You look familiar." Monkey King stated walking towards you.

You flinched slightly once he got closer. But he only walked around you in a circle. His hand went to his chin as he studied you.

"I don't think we've met." You responded simply. But your heart skipped a beat at the way he was looking at you.

Monkey King stopped Infront of you with a hum.

"Eh I'm sure I'll figure it out. But in the mean time, what's the rush?"

"U-Uhm Mei is waiting for us. Right M.k?" You looked at him almost pleadingly.

M.k didn't catch the look, only stared at you dumbfounded that Monkey King seemed to recognize you.

Monkey King smirked.

"Is there a reason you're so nervous?"

You flinched at the question.

"Wh-What? I'm not nervous."

Monkey King chuckled opening his noodles.

"Yes you are. You keep fidgeting, you flinch when I address you, and you seem to be in a rush." He shot you a smirk. "It's adorable actually."

Your cheeks exploded into a dark shade of crimson.

M.k looked downright lost at this point then glanced at his phone.

"Oh it is actually really late. We gotta go. See ya Monkey King bye!"

The last sentence was rushed as M.k grabbed you and raced back to the car then floored it out of there.

Meanwhile you could barely comprehend what has happened and prayed that M.k wouldn't bring it up on the drive back.

Monkey King stared after you two with a smirk and sat with his noodles on his tail.

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