Macaque x handicapped reader

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"Just hand over the locket." The lead gang member instructed stepping closer.

Your right hand flew to the locket forming a fist around the cool metallic  heart.

"Then no body gets hurt." The leader mentioned, offering his hand. Although the smirk his lips formed promised otherwise.

You glanced at the busy street at your back. Feeling the adrenaline spill into your veins you sucked in a breath. Your home lay beyond the busy street but even pressing the cross walk would spur the gang to chase you.

You swallowed praying your weak heart could handle it. But your house was less than half a mile away and if you got close enough Macaque might hear you over the city's usual cacophony.

"Times up, chica. Grab her." The leader ordered stepping aside as four men walked towards you.

Your pulse ricochetted in your veins. Throwing all thoughts aside, you shoved your palm into the button to activate the cross walk, then ran.

Cars shot past, a few honking at your reckless decision and two barely missed you. And yet the fading shouts from the gang members, pressed your body to move faster.  If only you could get close enough.

In your chest a familiar ache pierced near your heart making you cough and nearly stumble. But you couldn't stop. The small lead you had taken was slowly slipping away as the crosswalk finally allowed the gang passage behind you.

Dashing around the corner you ducked into a nearby alleyway.

Silently, you crouched behind a garbage can and pressed a hand over your mouth to silence your ragged gasps. The sound of pounding footfalls passing the alley way alerted you that for now atleast; you were safe.

The adrenaline faded with the realization and thus the pain in your chest doubled forcing you to your knees.

Your heart had been weak since you were young. The doctors had predicted you wouldn't live past your 17th birthday. Yet here you were 23 and still breathing.

Well more or less as at the moment, you could barely think through the pain. It felt as though your heart would sooner explode than keep a steady beat.

So you stilled allowing your lungs to recapture the lost air they so badly craved. And meanwhile you tried to conjure a plan while you waited for your rapid heartbeat to slow.

You could always scream, but it was unlikely Macaque would hear you over the city's over abundant noise. And that would definitely alert your attackers to your location.

Slowly, you pressed yourself to your feet and tried to ignore the way your heart seared in your chest. You pressed a hand to the growing ache in a false hope that perhaps the pressure would relieve the pain. It didn't. But atleast you could stand now, and breathe.

You peeked your head out from the alleyway hesitantly. No movement caught your eye and you felt yourself breathe a sigh of relief. Starting on your way you walked quickly taking a slightly different route home. All the while grasping the locket subconsciously.

You had no idea what those punks wanted with it. It was silver, yes. But it was clearly nothing fancy. Hardly worth any money. Though a small prickling in the back of your mind, warned that there was more to it than monetary value.

Especially as Macaque had warned you to never take it off when you left the house and never to let anyone get a close look at it.

Not that he would explain why. You had simply attributed it to his suspicion and paranoia of other people. You had thought it was because he figured someone would attempt to steal it.

And to be fair, some one had.

You turned the corner that led to your apartment only to freeze when you saw one of the punks leaning against the doorframe to the entrance.

Feeling a chill of fear skitter through your veins you stepped back only to hit something firm yet soft.

"There you are, chica." The leader's voice sounded behind you as he caught your arms.


Your scream was muffled by another member yanking a gag over your mouth.

You thrashed wildly against the leader's hold only for him to pin your wrists behind you and tie them.

With the gag around your mouth your air flow was limited and your heart burned in your chest. The leader wrenched you into  a nearby alleyway and shoved you against the wall.

"And here I was going to be generous. But you wasted me and my boy's time." He grinned pressing his forearm against your collar bone.

The pressure made the pain in your chest sky rocket and you screamed into the gag before writhing against his arm.

"Aw what the matter? Run yourself a little hard there, sweetheart?" He leaned against his arm steadily increasing the pain.

Tears pricked your eyes as your screams began to fade from a lack of oxygen.

"Well that's enough of that." The leader chuckled reaching for your locket.

"You're right. That is enough." A low voice resonated through the alley way.

You watched the alleyway fill with purple shadows with wide eyes when suddenly you felt the wall behind you give way and you fell backwards until someone caught you bridal style.

You flinched slightly as your eyes met the glowing white gaze of one of Macaque's clones.

You blinked in shock then stared at him in confusion as he carried you further into the void. Only it was odd. The clones Macaque summoned usually wore an evil grin. This clone's lips were pulled into a thin severe line.

And if you weren't mistaken you heard some racket in the distance. And though you wanted to ask, you knew the clone wouldn't answer you and the gag barely allowed you to breathe as is.

So, instead you tried to ease in his hold so you could try and get your air back. Still you're chest throbbed and you feared you might pass out from the pain regardless of the air you had.

Just then, the clone handed you over to it's master.

Macaque looked far more upset than the clone. And you briefly wondered if maybe it was because the clones were only a shadow of who he really was. He quickly untied you and gently removed the gag.

You gasped for air as Macaque frowned and touched the locket.

In an instant the pain vanished and you could breathe again.

You coughed a bit while Macaque looked over you for any other injuries.

"Wha- how'd you-" you sputtered between coughs.

"Calm down first, kiddo. I'll explain when you catch your breath."

Shooting him a suspicious glare that warned this conversation was not over, you leaned into his chest and started the breathing exercises Macaque had taught you.

As soon as your chest had a steady rhythm, rising and falling in time, Macaque wrapped an arm around you waist so your back was pressed snugly against his chest and cradled your locket in his palm.

"When I made this locket I imbued it with healing magic. So, your heart could rejuvenate a bit especially in emergencies."

You glanced up at him.

"Unfortunately it's a pretty powerful. And a few mortals tend to collect these kind of trinkets. Since it heals people fairly quickly."

You glanced at the locket.

"You made it to.. protect me?"

Macaque smirked.

"Heh of course-" he touched a hand to your cheek. "I don't think I could take losing you, kid."

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