Monkey King x broken reader

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You walked out your door and plastered on your fake smile. All of your friends would be concerned if you came over with tears spilling down your cheeks. You couldn't explain the ache. It was so much simpler to force a smile, fake a laugh, and play ok.

Everyday was an uphill battle. Monkey King was especially difficult to fool. He never pressed the matter, but when no one else was looking he would shoot you a knowing glance.

You weren't sure he knew, but he had definitely been acting strange lately. More nervous, and falsely confident. He would act like nothing was off but you didn't miss how his tail flicked nervously.

It was at that moment you noticed what was in your mailbox. A bouquet of your favorite flowers lay in it's depths peeking out. With a confused tilt of your head, you walked to the box and pulled the flowers out. They smelled lovely, and almost made you feel a touch better.

Suddenly, snickers and mocking giggles touched your ears. Your head snapped up from the bouquet. And your gaze fell on your bullies from college.

They whispered amoungst themselves and gestured to you.

Your cheeks burned with embarrassment and you turned away quickly. All the painful emotions crashed back into you and you walked back towards the house. You shut the door behind you leaning your back on it as the sting of humiliation bit at you. Then you glanced down at the bouquet still in your hand.

It would be a shame to take out your frustrations on such lovely flowers. But you didn't have the heart to take care of them properly. Instead, you tossed the bouquet onto your couch and walked out your door. You were heading for flower fruit mountain.

Still the flowers pressed at your mind. Had your bullies put the flowers there? But why? A prank most likely. Sure it would be an expensive prank but, heaven knew they could afford it. You pulled up your hood and tried to forget the prank and humiliation as you walked to Sandy's.

You took a deep breath before boarding the ship. A moment was all you needed. You collected yourself, forced a smile and walked aboard.

"Hey, Sandy!" You called looking around. No one stood on deck so you looked around. "Sandy?" No response came and you silently chided yourself for not texting ahead. But you turned into the living room only to pause. A box was lying on the table. Curiously, you glanced around but when you saw no one, you gave a shrug. Sandy wouldn't be offended if you took a look as long as you didn't touch anything. So, you opened the box.

Inside were your favorite chocolates with a note. A real smile tugged at the corners of your mouth.

"I didn't know, Sandy has a secret admirer. How adorable! He deserves it." You mused walking towards the door. You would leave so he could discover the chocolates himself. After all, there were other ways to get to flower fruit mountain.

A touch reluctantly, you hopped on your hoverboard Mei had given you. You were a tad wobbly, but you could maintain your balance for the most part. You gave a firm push off the beach and guided the board in the direction of flower fruit mountain.

When you finally arrived, your nerves eased some. You stepped back into solid ground eagerly only to be swarmed with monkeys. You watched them jump up and down excitedly and giggled.

"Aw hi guys!" You welcomed them fondly only to have some of your favorite fruits shoved at your face.

You jerked backwards a bit to keep from the fruits smashing against your face.

"Oh! Uh....looks like you guys found yourselves some food." You praised awkwardly, patting their heads.

"What's a guy gotta do for you to take a hint, huh?" Monkey King demanded making you jump. He stepped from the tree line with his arms folded across his chest.

You blinked in bewilderment.


"Kid, I have been leaving you stuff all over town. Sandy helped me out even. I wanted to surprise you." He sounded a touch a annoyed but more disappointed than anything.

"But why?" You asked tilting your head in confusion.

"Because I wanted to...." Monkey King froze for a minute the sighed. "I wanted to tell you I love you, y/n."

You stared at him in disbelief. Then, all of the doubts came crashing down. Would he really mock you with that too? Memories of your ex filled your mind and you had to fight to keep your false smile.

"That's a funny joke, Monkey King." Even as you said it, your voice started to break. "Well I actually do have to go so-" You attempted to walk past him but he caught your arm.

"I wasn't joking." Gently Monkey King pressed you back against a tree. "Why do you think I would joke about that?"

Suddenly, your facade became very difficult to keep up. Monkey King's gaze was firm but confused.

"Oh well I-" Your vision blurred with hot tears and your bottom lip trembled as panic exploded in your chest. How was it crumbling so quickly?

"Peaches?" Monkey King took your chin in hand. "Talk to me."

In an instant your facade shattered. Your tears began to spill freely, as you explained that the truth you'd kept to yourself for years.

Monkey King looked shocked as you told him about your ex. Then a hint of anger crossed his features, when you told of how often people repeated his original offence.

You had several horrible experiences to share, which Monkey King listened to patiently. When you finally finished Monkey King pulled you against this chest protectively.

"I'm not going to let that happen to you again." He promised gently.

You pressed away to see his eyes.

"You mean it?"

Monkey King smirked.

"Would I lie to you, peaches?"

A blush filled your cheeks as you shook your head.

Monkey King chuckled.

"That's my girl. Now, come on. I think you need some time to relax."

The rest of the day was spent up in Monkey King's hut watching his animated series. This was where you finally relaxed into his arms and fell asleep.

(Bonus bit)

Weeks had passed since Sun Wukong's confession. But everything still felt new. And much easier. While at school you noticed your bullies didn't bully you anymore. Infact, you hadn't seen them in weeks.

Realization dawned as you arrived at Monkey King's hut. You burst through the door.

"You killed them?!"

Monkey King's head snapped up from reading a book.

"Woah woah woah easy, peaches. I haven't killed anyone......recently." The last bit he muttered under his breath.

"Then what did you do to my bullies?" You inquired leaning over the back of his couch.

Monkey King chuckled darkly.

"I only told them who you are."

"And who is that?" You asked curiously.

Monkey King grinned at you.

"My girl." He informed swiping a kiss.

*This request is from wormizug_ *

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