Becomeing Jesues

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I feel through a portal, landing flat on my back hitting something hard and blue, 

"Well then, I haven’t seen you around here before" said a women as she stood over me

"huh... What who are you?" I tried to stand up, but falls on my ass

"Call me Kurfürst. Now can I know your name? You did fall out of the sky in front of me, so I feel introductions are needed"

"I'm... I'm Alexander" I didn't know if she could just her yet

"So what were you doing falling through a portal? Something happen?" She asked?

"I was supposed to be sent home, but looks like not"

"I see...that portal looks eerily similar to a compatriot of mine’s as well. Tell me, was it a woman named Akagi who sent you here?"

"well... I sent myself here, using her sword, but yes otherwise it was akagi"

"She let you use the sword yourself?!" She slightly raised her voice


she let out a disappointed sigh "I see the problem. She trained to use the thing, so she fully expected you to end up somewhere not where you wanted to go"

"and now I'm stuck, great" I slammed my fists into the ground next to me, to find it's water "wait what?"

"Hm? Why are you confused?" She asked

"Water" was all I managed to say before I started to sink, maybe it was the boobs that helped to keep me afloat.

She grabs the back of my dress and pulls me out the water "Hey, keep yourself focused. Your rigging won’t let you float if you don’t focus and balance yourself you know?" 

"riggin!?" I screamed 

"Yes, you're rigging. I see that you have a more detached style, and I’m unsure where the rest of it is, but currently you have the mobility, so you have to stay focused"

"on what, being Jesus?"

"If Jesus knew how to ice skate, then yes"

"ice state, do you expect me to move at the speed out sound?"

"No you not know how to use your rigging?"

"What is rigging lady, get me to dry land, your oblisly a kansen, so, summon your ship maybe?" I said, pissed, confused and scared 

"Unfortunately, I’m unable to do that. I’m also unable to skate much like the rest of us"

"fuck sake... So how does this work?"

"First, take my hands and I’ll balance you on the water’s surface. Tell me whenever you do feel stable and we’ll continue'

 "Are you joking? I'm human, not one of you"

"Well it seems you and I went through the same thing. I can feel the human half of you, you are not a shipgirl fully, but you are becoming one, just as I have"


"It does sound like that no? Well, are you going to take my hand or...?" I quickly reached for her hand and took it, she then pulled me up and on my feet 

"Good, now first stand to your feet and be steady. Once you’re good, we’ll continue in your training"


She smiles at me, how can she smile at this? "There you are, welcome to how a shipgirl moves around"

"t...this isn't good..." I said as I started to panic

"Alexander, focus on me okay? Look me in the eyes, everything is going to be ok" she said as she took both my hands, holding me steady 

"but is it? Is it really?" I snapped back 

"Yes, you’re a shipgirl. It’s as clear as day you are one, or are on the way to becoming one. I was in a similar situation after all, so follow my lead, and you’ll be right as rain"

"is there a way to undo it?" I really didn't want this to be true, considering they had no rights, my mind could only go to the worst of places"

"Sadly, I’m uncertain of a way to undo it that won’t result in death."

"oh..." I thought to myself, 'she doesn't know how bad this is for me…' "Is there a way to suppress it? Or will just not walking on water stop people from finding out?"

"Hmm...from normal humans, they can’t notice unless you do supernatural activities, but why do you ask?" she answered, asking me a very uncomfortable question 

"it cannot be found out in my world" I replied, still a bit jumpy after this information 

"I shall not pry, but I’ll tell you how to hide it from those you wish to keep it from. Act like a human as much as you can, hide those ears, and if you recognize another Shipgirl around, avoid them at all costs...they can feel your presence, and may sniff you out as a Shipgirl"

"the ears are fine, we have normal kitsune... I didn't even know you could hide them... But thank you for the warning, is there any technology that can detect it?"

"Not in this world no, only a Shipgirl can detect another shopgirl...that, or Radar"

"oh... That will be bad"

"ill keep that in mind, thank you... My world kansens aren't in the best position, so this is a big help"

"Of would you like to still learn how to travel on the waves, or not," she asked me 


"Very well. Now, have your ice skated before?"

"yes, I won't win medals, but I won't make a fool out of myself either"

"Then I hope you’re glad to know that your rigging behaves very similarly. Try it out"

I do, moving easily "I see what you mean"

"Just be careful of moving too much. You are still a ship nonetheless, so you don’t turn that quickly. You might knock yourself over if you turn too quickly"

"ok… Thank you" I then hugged her and started to cry 

"Hey...what’s wrong Alexander?"

"I'm stuck here aren't I"

"No, you aren’t. Akagi shared her contacts with all of us, and I can get her on the phone to bring you home...for real this time"

"You… Can"

"I can, just give me a few moments to bring her over"

Akagi then pops through a portal "Damn! I thought you went home, but you came to Kurfürst instead!"

"yes, she has helped me a lot"

"Akagi, why did you send her to me?"

"Hey, that’s her fault. I’ll send her out to her world next ready kid?"


Cuts open another portal "Alright, get moving Alex! This one should bring you back to your world...hopefully"

"Bye," I said as I walked through

A/N If you want to talk to join the discord, you will be able to help make more decisions and get the occasional sneak peek

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