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„Aren't you excited, it's your first day in school, Amaya!“
I looked over at my pinkhaired friend, that seemed more happy about me switching schools, than I was.
My mom decided it would be better, if I went to a different school than my twin sister jia does, since everyone kept confusing us. So for the new semester, I changed to the best school nearby. It was certainly not an elite school, like I was accustomed to, but it was acceptable. And more over, I could try and not get the reputation of "rich child" this time.
„Well, excited is the wrong word. I'm nervous, maybe.“ Even though I said that, I wasn't really nervous about anything. It never has been hard for me to make friends and even if it's going to be hard, I had my pinkhaired friend, Dahlin.
„Yea yea, quit putting an act on. I know you're not nervous. But let me tell you something, this school is a total nightmare. Bullying is super crazy here and if you don't want to get bullied too, you better keep your distance from the victims. I know, it's stupid and hard not to intervene, especially for me, since I can't stand seeing others suffer because of some dickheads. But even if I intervened, the victims would only have to suffer even more. So be careful, okay? Stay out of trouble.“
I listened to her talk and reassured her, that I'd be fine and nothing would happen.
Usually people would squirm around me, annoy me. I've always been popular because of my beauty, other than my twin sister that was also popular because of her outshining personality. I was more of a loner and after people noticed that I was only looks and nothing more, they'd start ignoring me and squirming around my sister.
However, now that she's not around anymore, I'm wondering how it's going to turn out?

We stepped into the large and modern looking building. The hall was clean and a few students were already standing there and chatting about their weekends.
„I'll go get my timetable, you go ahead. I'll meet you in the classroom.“, I said to Dahlin, who nodded and quickly made her way up the stairs.

Being new is always annoying, but when is life not?

I got my timetable from the secretary and started heading towards the stairs, when I heard muffled noises from downstairs.

Downstairs.. that must be the cellar.. who the fuck is in the cellar right now?
Should I check or would that be too much of a cliché horror movie scene?

I chuckled at my own thoughts and climbed down the stairs only to find a student laying face down in the dark with his hands and legs tied on his back.

Okay, that's fucked up.

Remembering Dahlins words, I wanted to quietly go back upstairs, but I stopped.

There's no one here.. let me just help him and then go away quickly.

I started moving towards him, before kneeling down and untying him slowly. He didn't say a word, nor did he move and that's when I noticed that he was blindfolded and in a pretty bad shape.

Wow, these students here are complete sadists. Not that I care enough, but it's still kind of crazy.

I didn't say a word either, to not startle the student and got up after untying him. His hands moved to take off the blindfold and our eyes met. His eyes were a beautiful light blue. Kind of like the ocean.
He looked at me confused but I felt like I've done enough.

I untied him, I can leave now.

But he stopped me when I was trying to go upstairs.
„Why did you help me?“ I looked at him again, his hair was long, blonde and messy. His school uniform was dirty and he had a few bruises on his arms and face.
I sighed and looked for something in my bag, before handing him a bandaid, which he hesitantly took.
„Just take care of yourself, you look pathetic, dude.“

Without another word I ran upstairs and started looking for my classroom. Not a long time passed until I found it and saw Dahlin sitting next to another pink haired girl.

Is pink suddenly a popular color?

I sat down as well and listened to them talk until Dahlin introduced me to her.

Haruno Sakura, alright I think I can keep it in mind.

My thoughts were kind of drifting off every now and then and I couldn't really concentrate.
All I could think about were these ocean-blue eyes.

(??? POV)

I don't know how long I've been here already. Probably a few minutes but it does already feel like hours. My wrists and ankles started feeling numb and moreover the pain from the brutal hits was not wearing off.
My days usually looked like this. They loved bullying me, an orphan. A no one, a waste of space and good for nothing.
They loved torturing me. Everybody hated me, not even a single person liked me. And my parents hated me so much, that they disappeared.
I don't know if life has ever been worth living for me, but I'm still here. Suffering everyday, because I was born.
My whole life I've been alone and I'll die alone too, because that's my destiny.

I bit my tongue and stared into the darkness surrounding me. It felt... lonely.

Suddenly my surrounding was filled with a noise. Someone was coming downstairs.

Great, they're back to beat me up some more before class starts again.

I prepared myself mentally but felt a warm touch on my wrists instead. Someone was actually untying me.
The person's hand felt warm, they were trying to be careful as to not hurt me any more, which left me in disbelief.

Am I dreaming? No one would ever treat me like this..

I sat up and freed myself of my blindfold to look my counterpart in the eyes.
It was a girl, white hair, grey eyes. She was beautiful, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. But her face seemed emotionless and empty somewhat.

She didn't bother talking to me and turned around to leave again but I wanted to hear her voice. I wanted her to talk to me.
„Why did you help me?“

Yes, why did she. No one ever cares about someone like me, no one even bats an eye when I get tormented. So why did she bother helping me?

She didn't even give me an answer, she just sighed and started looking for something. Her posture was elegant, she smelled like cigarettes and shea butter. I couldn't stop staring at her.
When she handed me something, our hands briefly touched but that short time was already enough to make my heart beat like crazy.
„Just take care of yourself, you look pathetic, dude.“
My eyes widened and I looked after her, while she ran upstairs leaving me behind in the darkness again.

She.. talked to me?

My face turned red and it felt like the darkness around me was disappearing, like the void in my heart was filled.

Does she like me? Is that why she helped me and gave me this present?

I looked at the bandaid in my trembling hands and started smiling at my own thoughts.


I slowly got up and looked at the stairs, she disappeared from.

I need to find out, who this girl is.. that filled my heart with so much colour.

I picked up my glasses and tried to tidy up my uniform a little before going upstairs myself.

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