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„You really don't need to take me home, I'm good on my own.“ I looked at the blonde Uzumaki walking next to me, but he shook his head and smiled at me.
„I want to take you home, Amaya. Please, let me do atleast that since you did so much for me.“

What? I didn't do anything at all!

I just accepted my fate and continued walking next to him while looking at the sunset in the distance. It was a calm evening, nearly no people outside and very few cars passing by. It felt idyllic even though we were walking in a city.

The silence however made me think about Sakura's words during the break.

He killed his girlfriend, is what she said. But I don't feel like he had a girlfriend. He told me he's been treated badly his whole life. So why would he have a girlfriend?

I bit into my bottomlip, before pulling myself together and looking up to him.
„Naruto, which middleschool did you attend?“, I asked slightly off topic to not seem too intrusive.
„The one in Shibuya.“, he replied pretty quickly and with a puppy-like smile on his face, as usual whenever he talked to me.
„Interesting. How was it there? I attended a private school, so I'd like to know.“
I still looked at him to try and identify any emotions on his face, he seemed rather surprised but his face changed to pensive really quickly. He didn't respond, which made me even more curious about his answer.
„Well,to be honest, I don't remember a lot about middleschool. Actually, I don't remember anything. It's a dark puddle whenever I think about it. I'm sorry Amaya..I really wanted to answer your question.“ He seemed disappointed, so I believed him. There was no reason for me to doubt his words and even if he was lying, it's none of my business.

Of course I was curious, I wanted to know more about this so called relationship he supposedly had, but I can't force him to talk.
„Did you ever have a relationship, Naruto?“

Let's see what he's going to say..

(Naruto's POV)

„Did you ever have a relationship, Naruto?“
I looked at her surprised and scratched my head a little.

A relationship? Is she jealous, is she asking because she hates the thought of me dating someone else? So cute.. but no, I never had a girlfriend.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in my mind and I looked at her, without thinking about it.
„Yes, her name was Hyuuga Hinata.“

Wait..Is that true? No, I don't think I've ever dated anyone. Everyone always hated me. There's no way a girl other than Amaya liked me. But, then again.. I don't remember clearly.

„Her name was? What happened to her?“
She seemed curious, her eyebrows were raised and her eyes attentive.

Why is she looking at me like that? Does she know something I don't?

I think she committed suicide because of the bullying she faced..“

Yes, that's right. Hinata was bullied like me, by her older cousin and his friends group. I remember a little more clearly now. We used to spend a lot of time together as Outcasts. But she did kill herself.

„I understand, I'm really sorry for asking then. I was just curious.“, Amaya said after some silence and I smiled silently.

„You were curious? Because of the rumors that I killed her, right?“
She looked at me calmly and nodded to confirm my suspicion.
„Yes, Sakura told me. But it's fine, I thought it was silly after all. Still, if you have something you want to get off your chest, you can talk to me. Even though we barely know each other, I think I can lend you a shoulder to cry on.“
She seemed so sad, even if just a little, I could hear a sad tone in her voice.
I smiled at her and stopped walking to put my arms around her and pull her into an embrace.
„Thank you, Amaya, I love you too.“
I pulled her closer, feeling her warmth on my body and watched her hands reach out to me.
„I never said that. Let go off me, I told you not to do that.“
I giggled and pressed her even more on my body, while she tried to push me off.
„That's wrong, you just told me to not do it in front of other people!“

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