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„My dear, did you get sick?“
I looked at my mom, her face seemed worried and I shook my head.
„No, it's just a little fever. I'll be good by tomorrow, don't worry about me.“
She sighed and placed the cup of tea on the shelf next to my bed.
„Alright, I have to leave for work. Stay in bed and take your medicine.“ I nodded and closed my eyes, as they felt heavy and my body weak.

I hate being sick, it's the worst thing that can possibly happen.

I sat up, took my medicine and then went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. It was already 9am, I felt bad for missing out on school but I really felt like puking.

I have to get better first, before I'll worry everyone.

„Amaya, I heard you're sick!“
I looked at my sister's worried face and forced a smile to not further worry her.
My sister tends to overreact a lot, she'd definitely stay home if I say I'm really sick.
„No, just a little hay fever. I think I'll be fine, you go ahead and leave or you'll be late, won't you?“, I reassured her and sat back on my bed, as my body couldn't take standing for too long.
„I'll make you some guo qiao mi xian once I'm back home, okay? Don't leave the bed!“
I watched her rushing out of my room and sighed a little.

When was the last time I ate guo qiao mi xian? I think it was back then when I visited grandpa for the last time in china, before he died. he made me the soup when I was 6 and told me to always be a strong and brave girl, because life is not fair to those who aren't. He was talking about me being bullied.

I layed on my back and closed my eyes, as the memories of elementary school came back to me.

Yes, the bittersweet taste of that soup still lingers in my soul. I miss grandpa.

I tried to think of something less depressing and got up to get some warm milk. The sun was vibrant today, the weather was hellish hot. Nevertheless there were still children playing outside. The summer days were just starting and everyone seemed to enjoy the positive times.

I warmed up some milk and looked around. Everyone left home, even my father was out and about, probably in his dojo teaching some kids the traditional ways of martial arts.

I wish I could also train a little, but I'm too weak. I have to wait until I get better.

Though for some people being home alone seemed like heaven, for me it was a nightmare. I hated being alone and I'm scared of the darkness that comes with loneliness.

Somewhat I can't stop myself from thinking about Naruto at a time like this. How amusing.

I flinched a little when I heard the doorbell go off and placed my cup on the table before making my way to the door, to open it.

My eyes met ocean-blue eyes I was just thinking about and I wiped my forehead a little.

Am I having a fever dream?

{Naruto's POV}

„Amaya, how are you?? You look extremely sick!“
My eyes widened in worry as I examined her red sweaty face. Her hair was all over the place, her eyes only half-opened. Even though she looked sickly, her appearance was still attractive to me.
Even more did it awaken a few fantasies in my head.

„Naruto?“, her voice was weak, merely a whisper. I let myself in and closed the door behind me before taking off my shoes.
My excitement from being in her house was temporary, as my worry grew bigger.
„Why aren't you in bed? Are you alone? You shouldn't be alone, when you're feeling bad!“, I grabbed her shoulders carefully and came closer to her face, to look into her eyes. Usually her left eye was covered by her bangs but this time, I could see it.

Wait.. what?

With trembling hands I reached out and brushed her hair off her face, revealing her left eye. White as snow, in a sense even milky.

Is she blind.. on that eye?

„Naruto, what are you doing here?“
Her voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I let go off her immediately.
„Dahlin told me you're sick and I came to look after you, after all you're my girlfriend and I have to take care of you!“, I proudly exclaimed, smiling brightly at the bubbly feeling of love, that came over me whenever I thought about her as my girlfriend.

„I already told you, I'm not your girlfriend.. and you don't have to take care of me, I'm fine.“, she responded, trying to get me to leave but I was determined to help her.
„No, No! Go lay down, I will make you some Okayu, so that you'll feel better in no time!“

I smiled at her and looked for the kitchen. That's when I realized how big and expensive everything looked.

Amayas family must be super rich?

I tried looking for a pot in those hundreds of cupboards, placing it on the stove when I finally found it.

Amaya, I want to take care of you, because I love you. You looked so helpless, I never want you to be sick. I want you to be smiling without a worry on this planet. Is this too much to ask for? I don't wish for my own happiness because your happiness means mine..

Guo Qiao Mi Xian: Crossing-the-bridge noodles is a rice noodle soup originating from the Yunnan province of China. It is one of the best-known dishes in Yunnan cuisine.

Okayu is Japanese rice porridge and a comforting dish made quite simply of rice and water. It is easy to digest, so people in Japan commonly eat it when they have a cold, recover from an illness, or don't have much appetite

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