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„Amaya, Naruto, there you are! We waited for so long"
I looked at Dahlin and pat her head lightly.
„I'm sorry, there was a lot of traffic. I'm going to pay for the food, no worries."
I smiled at her, before looking at the sandy beach infront of me. Not a lot of people were there at this time but I could already tell, that this place will soon be overflowing with humans.

Oh my, was it really a good idea to come?

I took my stuff and followed Dahlin to a more reserved place on the beach, where Sasuke and Shikome were already waiting for us. They seemed rather calm next to each other, though the last few times I saw them they always seemed to argue.
„There are the others.", I heard Shikome say from a distance as she waved at us. She was wearing a black bikini with a rather complicated cut that exposed her tattoos.

Looks like something Jia would definitely wear..

I waved back and put my stuff down upon arrival, before also greeting Sasuke.
„Good morning, Sasuke. Are you in a good mood?", I asked to start a rather random conversation, which he replied to by shrugging his shoulders.
„Yea, I guess. As long as the black haired beast doesn't annoy me."

He's definitely talking about Shikome..

„Aren't you two dating?", I looked at him confused and he grinned arrogantly.
„Why? Are you interested?"
I wanted to definitely reply no, as the Uchiha was in no way my type, but I was interrupted by two arms wrapping around my belly and pulling me into someone's embrace.
„No! Back the fuck off, Sasuke! She's already with me!"
I sighed as I freed myself from his strong pull and distanced myself from them as they started bitching around.

These two will never get along, will they..

„Now, both of you, that's enough!"
I looked back at them seeing Shikome stare at them with a creepy expression in her face, miraculously it worked and they both stopped embarrassing us.

Wow, I gotta learn that trick.

Slowly I sat down on the blanket Naruto brought for me and silently watched the steady waves hit the shore. I didn't particularly like the beach but I also didn't dislike it. It was a very neutral relationship I had with it but I did hate deep water so I would not go any closer to the huge body of water in front of me.
„Amaya, do you want to eat something?"
I looked at the blonde haired Uzumaki that sat down next to me and took a sandwich out of his bag. It was the same sandwich he always brought for me to school and I really liked it a lot.
„Thank you." I did take the wrapped bread and looked at him a little more.
His hair had a really beautiful blonde colour and looked so soft, while his eyes were blue and wild like the ocean. Though I didn't know anything about Naruto at all, I could at least say that I cherish his company sometimes.

My hand moved by itself and I slowly let my fingers go through his sunkissed hair. It was even softer than I imagined, it felt like a cloud.
I looked at him when he said my name and immediately pulled my hand away. It was a little embarrassing for me so I turned away as to not face him right now.

I don't know why I did it, but it felt so comforting. Maybe I'm really going insane.

I widened my eyes when I felt a warm hand on my chin,turning my face back around, slowly letting my eyes meet with his.
„Why are you showing me your back? Don't do that to me,Amaya."
His voice sounded sad, like I'm going to abandon him any minute and leave this world forever to grasp the stars I for so longed for.
„I'm sorry..", I said, my voice being nothing but a weak whisper as I didn't know what to say.
Usually being around Naruto did not make my heart race, even less he just didn't cause a lot of emotions in me to swell. But ever since he came to visit me when I was sick, I felt different about him. I felt something.

His hand was still on my chin,pulling me closer to him, which startled me and I nearly fell on top of him. Our faces were only inches away from each other and I felt his warm breath tickling my sensitive skin.
I couldn't take my eyes from his beautiful ones, they were so full of love at this exact moment, a gaze that was only dedicated to me.
He said, he loved me, but what of that was exactly the truth?
His hands were now slowly caressing my cheeks,making me close my eyes to feel the warmth of his hands better.

<Naruto's POV>

My hands were trembling as I put them on her beautiful face. She was so close and unusual for her, she wasn't pushing me away. She was leaning in even closer, finally coming closer to me, as she felt so far away these few weeks.

Amaya, are you finally giving in to my love? Are you finally ready to be mine forever? With all your flesh and bones?

I was so excited that I nearly forgot to breathe. Her eyes were closed, her luscious lips half open and her breath meeting mine.
My hands were pulling her even closer and our lips were touching, we didn't kiss yet but the feeling of the slight touch , the so innocent sweet taste, made my heart beat like I ran a marathon.

Fuck, I really want to kiss her now.

She didn't flinch as our lips touched which made me blush even more, if that was possible of course.
My heart sank and with all my willpower I closed the distance between our lips, pulling her in so close that she was nearly laying on top of me.
Her lips were icy cold, different from mine that were warm,but even more the coldness made me feel even more warm, in a very ironic way.
She tasted like cigarettes and chocolate, a taste so unique, I couldn't get enough.

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