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Swimsuit.. or Bikini..

I looked through my whole closet but sadly I had no luck. I never owned a swimsuit in my life and now I'm suffering from the consequences.
„Jia, do you have a swimsuit for me?“
I looked at my sister, who was brushing her teeth infront of the bathroom mirror, as she looked at me surprised.
„You want a swimsuit? Of course, I should have one in my closet. Just go check.“
I approached her room after getting the permission to do so and opened her big white closet filled with all kinds of clothes. Very bright colors welcomed me, the complete opposite of my dire appearance that was usually filled with dark and monotonous colors.
„Let's see.. “, I murmured to myself and made my way through her underwear, finding a few bikinis, that were way too thin for my likings.

Is that even a bikini? It's just a fucking string? How does that even work?

I sighed and put everything back before leaving her room and making my way to my parents bedroom.

Asking Jia was already a failure before I even did. I knew she would only have sexy clothes, I could never wear that stuff without feeling completely naked.

I went through my dad's clothes, finding a new pair of black swimming shorts, that should fit my petite body.

That's good enough, I should just wear this and a black shirt. It's not like I'm going to go in the water anyway, and if I do, the shirt is black anyway and won't turn see-through.

I put the shorts and the black shirt on before putting my hair in a slicked back ponytail. Without a second of delay, I already heard Naruto ringing the bell downstairs.

He's way too punctual, that's kind of insane.

I finished putting on my shoes and already heard my sister opening the door.
„Hello, oh my, who are you?“, I heard her voice from downstairs, which made me sigh.

Great, I didn't actually want them to meet, since everybody is always flashed by my sister and starts turning their backs to me. But this might also be a good opportunity to see how Naruto will react. If he's the same as everyone else or if he's really different as he says he is.

Ah sorry, I'm Uzumaki Naruto. I'm actually looking for Amaya, is she here?“
I walked downstairs but stopped midway to watch them a little.
„Yes, of course she is. What does a handsome man like you want from my sister?“, Jia giggled and let him in, which he proceeded to do.
„Thanks, I'm your sisters boyfriend.“
I shook my head and interrupted their conversation by walking the last few steps down.
„No,he's not. He's just a friend.“, I corrected his statement and looked at him. He did look kind of handsome in his normal attire.

I've never seen him outside of his school uniform, this is kind of different.

His hair was still chaotic and he had his usual pair of round glasses on, but instead of his school uniform he had a black shirt and black shorts on, just like I did.
„Woah, Amaya, are we matching?? That's so cool, of course we are, we're destined to be, after all!!“
My sister next to me giggled and I turned my head in embarrassment.
„Stop that and let's go. Jia, I'll be back in the evening, so don't wait for me to eat dinner, okay?“
She smiled softly at me, when she does that, she always feels like a proud older sister to me, even though we're the same age. I could tell she was happy for me, it's probably because it's the first time I had friends other than Dahlin coming to spend time with me.
„Have fun, Amaya.“
I waved her goodbye before leaving with Naruto while having a weirdly warm feeling in my stomach area.

Maybe the weather is getting to me already. Narutos reaction to Jia was rather predictable though. He didn't seem to be flashed, not even a single bit.

„Amaya, I'm super excited! What do you want to do first?“
We entered my car and I left our driveway before entering the crowdy streets of Tokyo.
„What? I don't know.. I've never really liked the beach because I get sunburned easily.“, I explained while concentrating on the street in front of me.
„No worries, I have everything packed to make sure you'll enjoy it! I have a umbrella and sunscreen so you can lay in the shade and still be protected. Also I got hella water with me and some snacks, since you like to eat. I brought some manga that I thought you'd like, since last time I've been in your room, I saw your manga collection. They may help against boredom. Also I brought a fan, I can fan you cold air, whenever it gets too hot for you. And I have a blanket you can lay on and sunglasses and-“
I stopped him before he could have said more by putting my hand on his thigh.
„Thank you, that's really considerate of you. Then, since you made sure to bring so much stuff for me, I'll make sure to enjoy this day even more.“
I smiled at him for a moment before putting my eyes back on the street.

[Narutos POV]

I blushed when I felt her hand on my thigh and immediately shut up.

Woah.. every touch of hers feels like cloud 9. She doesn't even know how hard this affects me.

I tried my best not to think about her fingers on my naked skin, tracing it so lovingly, but even if I tried I couldn't stop myself from tensing my body, as her nails tickled me accidentally.

Fuck, she causes too many emotions in me, i feel like blowing up.

„Y-Yea sure, let's have fun together.“
My voice was merely a whisper and I hid my red face by looking out the window. Her hand didn't leave the spot on my thigh which made me the more nervous.

I hope I'll survive this day.

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