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I usually would not let words get to me at all, but what Gaara said bothered me a lot. It made me anxious, scared even. I wanted to forget about it. The reason why I got bullied, why my elementary school and middle school times were hell.
I blame my sister, even if it is not her fault, it eats me up inside.
„Amaya, are you listening?“
I looked up to Dahlin, who was sitting infront of me. I put my fork away and nodded before paying attention again.
„Well, tomorrow is the weekend and we were thinking of joining Shikome and Sasuke to go to the beach down Osaka. Wouldn't that be nice with that hot weather?“
I thought about it a little and agreed to go with them. I'd usually decline politely but I want to distract myself.
„Beach? With that Sasuke Guy? No way would I let Amaya go with this guy anywhere!“
I looked to the side, where Naruto suddenly appeared and sit down next to me. He was holding a sandwich, that he was offering me, of course I took it without hesitation.
„Well suck it in Blondie, she's going, whether you want it or not!“, yelled Dahlin and looked at him grim.
I just ignored their drama and bit into the sandwich.

Wow, so tasty!!

I smiled lightly and gave Naruto a light tap on the shoulder, so he'd stop arguing with Dahlin.
„Just join us, Naruto.“

(Narutos POV)

I looked at her confused until I understood what she meant.

She wants me to go with her to the beach? Like a date? She's inviting me to a date?!

I immediately grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently.
„Of course I'll go, Amaya. I'll go with you!“
I smiled happily and continued to hold her hand in mine.
„Hello?? We're going too and so are Sasuke and Shikome, don't forget that, Blondie!“
I looked at Dahlin, grabbing my drink while frowning at her.

She's so annoying and always close to my Amaya.. who does she think she is to interfere with our loving relationship? She's dangerous, I dont trust her.

„Well I don't care, my focus is only on Amaya! Anywhere and Always!“, I yelled back at her, flinched a little though, when I suddenly felt a firm grip on my shoulder.
„Stop yelling, this is a cafeteria not a festival.“
I looked up to see the black haired girl once again. She didn't look mad, yet she was still somewhat serious and intimidating, which is why I gave in.

I think her name is Shikome..

She sat down next to Dahlin and had a thermos with tea in it. She seemed rather calm, compared to the pink haired nuisance next to her.
„So you're all joining me and Sasuke?“
Dahlin nodded as an answer while still chewing. Amaya also nodded, she was however finished with the sandwich.
„Thats great, I wouldn't be able to survive alone with Sasuke, he's more annoying than anything else on this planet.“, Shikome sighed while drinking her tea and looked at me for a very short time, before putting her attention back on her tea.

She's kind of weird, I can't tell what she's thinking. But it feels like she can tell what I'm thinking about.

I looked at Amayas hand, that I was still holding in mine and thought about how much she changed my life in these few days.

I'm not eating lunch alone anymore, I'm not being bullied everyday anymore and most importantly this is the first weekend I won't spend alone.

I felt a strong warm feeling in my stomach growing and growing, while my hands were getting sweaty.

She's such a huge impact in my life, how can I repay her? I can only give her my heart but even that wouldn't be close to enough. No way is there anything I could give her of same worth.

Further inspecting her hand, I noticed small cuts and scars on her fingers.
They were nearly faded but I could still see them clearly.
I couldn't stop myself from wondering what might have happened. They seemed kind of old but a few looked very fresh.

I don't think I should ask infront of the others. Also I'm curious to what happened to her eye. She's blind on it but it doesn't seem like she was born like that. Did something happen to it?

I sighed but pulled myself together when Amaya looked at me.
„Should we meet at my place tomorrow and go to the beach together?“
I smiled at her and inched a little closer to her.
„Yeah, let's do that.“
She handed me her phone and I took it a little confused until I saw what tab she had opened.

She wants to save my contact?!

I blushed immediately fidgeting a little with her phone in my hands before putting my number in.

Of course she wants my number, silly me!! She wants to always be in contact with me because she misses me every second I'm away, right? That's definitely the reason why. Oh god, she's so adorable, I want to put her in a cage so only I can look at her.

She took her phone back and saved my number as a contact before putting it back in her pocket.
She seemed unbothered like always but even her unbothered face was extremely cute. She's always cute to me.

„Well, then it's decided. Tomorrow we're going to meet at 10am in Osaka! Whoever's going to be late has to pay for BBQ afterwards!“
This Dahlin girl seemed super excited but I couldn't blame her, I was also super excited to spend a whole day with Amaya. Also a very strong bonus was definitely that I'll get to see her in a bikini or swimsuit. She'd probably look so cute in a swimsuit.

I got stuck in my daydreams until the bell rang.

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