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„Today we'll go on the track field so please put on your shoes and we'll meet there.“
I looked at our sports teacher and put my sweatband on my forehead which helped me keep my bangs out of my face.
I wasn't really bothered by the thought of my classmates seeing my blind eye, neither was I bothered by the fact that they might ask questions.

Curiosity is humanity.

Regardless, I still took it off after realizing it would show my eye, just because I wasn't really energetic enough to satisfy them with answers.
I was walking next to Sakura and Dahlin while the burning sun was shining down on us.
It was super hot today, which made me question my teachers irresponsible decision to go on the track field where there are no shadows whatsoever.
„This sucks, why do we have to do this.“ Dahlin sighed and after taking a quick glance at her, I noticed sweat running down her neck already.

She's right, it's an awful day today. I don't hate summer, but I do dislike the heat and prefer colder temperatures.

„Aw cmon, maybe Sensei* let's us go earlier if we finish the tracks.“, Sakura replied more enthusiastic than me and Dahlin were, but I took it as her attempt to motivate us a little.

When we arrived at the tracks, another class was already there. Freshmen, as they were wearing different sport uniforms than we were.
Even though they were younger, the boys were astronomically tall and the girls seemed rather fit as well.

Wow, this new generation is actually crazy.

I looked at them while we were waiting for our teacher and noticed red hair in between all of these mediocre hair colours.

Wow, someone with natural red hair?

I tried to take a look at their face but my sight was blocked by someone's body.
„Amaya, you're here!“
I looked up and took a step back, as he was a little too close to me.
„Yes, I am. I wanted to thank you again, Naruto. For yesterday.“
He smiled at me and I couldn't stop myself from staring at him. With the sun shining down on him, he looked very angelic.

(Narutos POV)

The sudden silence after she thanked me felt like forever. I didn't know what to say, since she's been staring at me and it made me nervous.

Should I say something? She's not saying anything.. she's not even leaving.

Her gaze made me blush and I didn't dare turn my eyes away from her.
Today she smelled like honey and cigarettes, though I've never seen her smoke before she always seems to smell like a mix of something and cigarettes.

Is she staring at me, because she wants to kiss me? Yes, that must be it. She's probably too shy to take the first step.

I put my hands on her shoulders and took a step closer to her. She looked puzzled but she didn't flinch or react in any other way.

This is giving me the confirmation.. she wants to kiss me.. obviously because we're dating!

She was a lot shorter than me, so I inched my face closer to hers, until her sports teacher interrupted our moment.
„Okay Class 3-1 please come together.“
She turned her head to look at her teacher and I sighed defeated.

I was so close..

„Amaya, I'll watch you from the grandstand.“
She smiled at me before leaving me to join her class.

I feel like she's smiling more often than she used to.

I sat down on the stairs, far away from my classmates, that also sat down to watch the upperclassmen. They were chatting about the girls as I could hear and Amayas name fell quite a lot of times.

They don't know that she's mine.. I'll show them.

I clenched my hands into fists and tried to ignore their disgusting way of talking about my girlfriend, until I heard a comment that genuinely stroke my interest.
„She seems like a flashy person.“
I turned my head slowly and looked at Gaara, who was the one that made that remark.

Did he just call her flashy? Amaya and flashy? She's in no way showy, loud or over the top. She's pretty, noticeable and rich, that's true. But she's not a show-off. He doesn't know her as good as I do.

I turned my head to watch Amaya, as I promised her and tried to not get mad at his stupid words.
The girls of Amayas class were supposed to run now and took their spot behind the starting line.
They were constantly complaining and it seemed like they were not really happy to run under this frying heat. Amaya seemed rather calm though, as if the beaming sun was not bothering her.

She's so cool!!

I tried to hide my excitement as their Sensei started the run-off and followed Amaya closely with my eyes. She was really fast and in short time she had already created a huge distance between her and the other girls.

Wow, she's amazing..

500m, then 700, then 900m and she had completed the run in such a short time that even her teacher seemed to be confused.
The boys of my class also shut up and I grinned proudly.

YEA, that's my girl!!

I jumped up and ran down to her, not caring who was looking, before grabbing her around the waist and lifting her up.
„You're amazing, Amaya!!“
I laughed happily, while I closed my eyes as the sun was blending me a little as I looked up to her.
Though I couldn't see her, feeling her body pressed against mine, was already enough for me to find comfort. I felt her hands gently laying on my shoulders and I tried to look up to her.

She was breathing heavily but a big smile was on her face and I could even hear her slightly laugh.
That alone made my heart already beat like crazy.
„I told you to not do embarrassing stuff like that in front of others..“
I put her down and smiled at her happily.
„I'm sorry, I'm just really proud of my girlfriend, that is!“
„I'm not your girlfriend, stop saying that.“

Sensei: Japanese for "teacher". Can be used as a suffix in names, and can be used for anyone who is knowledgeable or high in profession, eg. doctors

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