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„Amaya, what are you thinking about?"
My mind dozed off for a moment, until I heard a voice speaking to me. I looked at Dahlin sitting next to me while putting my Sandwich down.
„It's just that I haven't seen Naruto for days. Do you think something might have happened?"
Even though I usually eat a lot, I couldn't finish my food today. Something felt extremely off.
„I'm not so sure, I haven't seen him either. Maybe he's sick or something?", Dahlin replied while still munching on her fruit salad. She didn't seem as concerned as I was but I had a good reason to be.

After I told Naruto that I was going to get engaged, he stopped talking to me completely. I haven't heard of him since and he hasn't been to school either. I didn't want to assume that it was just because of me but the coincidence was too big as to not assume it.

„Yea..sick. You're probably right. I'll be back, just going to the bathroom."
I got up and took my bag, leaving my unfinished food right there on the table and walking towards the principles room.

Just making sure he didn't die. That's normal as friends, to worry.

I knocked at the principles office but didn't get an answer.

Are you serious? Right when I need someone..

I opened the door and peaked inside but it just confirmed to me that the room was indeed empty. Instead of leaving however, I decided to step inside and snoop around a little.

Maybe I can find something out..

I walked towards the table, rummaged through the loose documents and looked into the cabinets. I felt a little bad doing it but I wasn't exactly sure how to find Naruto's address and this was the simplest way.
„Let's check for his student file.."
I went through various shelves until I found the student files and started going through them by alphabetical order.

There it is!

I pulled the file out and quickly left the premises before walking towards my locker while looking at his student file. Between a lot of medical examinations and psychological evaluations, I found a sheet with his address.
While pulling out my phone to take a picture, a little piece of paper slid down and fell on the floor. As I was picking it up I noticed my name on it.

What's that?

I stuffed the piece of paper in my pocket after hiding the files under my gym bag in my locker, closing it down and then hastily leaving the school.
The sun was still shining pretty strongly as it was only noon so I put my hood on to protect my face from the blazing heat.
My thoughts were circling a lot but the most were about my engagement and Naruto's very stern reaction to it.
Once I reached his door I hesitantly rang the doorbell.

I don't even know if he's going to open the door or if he's even home but I guess I'll find out now, it's worth a try.

Heavy footsteps towards the door before I heard it cracking and slowly opening. It was dark but I could see a silhouette in front of me.
„Naruto? It's me, Amaya. I came to check on you. Is everything fine?"
I wanted to take a step back to get a better look at him, instead I was dragged into the dark room.
„Hey, what are you doing?", I exclaimed and tried to get my eyes adjusted to the darkness as the front door closed.
„Why did you come? That was a mistake, Amaya.."
I looked at him, his eyes tired and red, his face covered by a blue surgical mask. His hair all over the place and under his eyes big dark circles.
„What do you mean? I was worried and I came to look for you."
I took a step back and stepped on something wet which made me slip and fall.
„What? Man, this place is a mess, turn on the lights. I can't see shit!" I sighed and felt that warm liquid on my arms and legs as I fell right into it.
I heard his footsteps going away from me before a bright light was turned on. I closed my eyes as it blinded me before opening them back up.


I looked at the pool of blood I was sitting in and immediately got up.
„What the fuck is this!?", I yelled as my eyes widened and my heart started beating faster. He grabbed my arms firmly and pulled me over to him as I struggled to get out of his grip.
„I told you, you shouldn't have come here." His voice was deeper than usual and his eyes were bloodshot. I didn't even recognize him.
„What is all of this? Are you kidding me?? Let me go!"
I tried to push him off of me again but his hands were holding onto me, his nails digging into my skin.
„I'm sorry, you shouldn't have come here. Now I can't let you go.."
I looked at him in confusion before feeling a strong pain at the back of my head and sudden dizziness filling my mind.

[Naruto's POV]

Once she collapsed in my arms, I picked her up and slowly put her on my bed.
„I'm so sorry Amaya..why did you come?"
I pulled the sleeves off my hoodie up and looked at my bloodied arms.

She shouldn't have seen me like this!! She shouldn't have!!

The thought of her slipping in my blood and her terrified eyes killed me. I was disgusted by myself.
Holding the hammer in my hand, with which I knocked her out, I walked back towards the bed.

I can't let you go anymore Amaya. You can't get engaged to someone that isn't me!! I would never allow you to love someone else!

Furious I dropped the hammer and wiped the blood off her forehead. Her white hair was drenched in red and I sighed before smiling.

It's fine, you'll stay here forever. With me.

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