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I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed the sleepiness out of them.
My headache was completely gone and my body felt so much better after some good sleep.
I looked at the time and sighed while getting up.

6am..it's already the next day? I was passed out for a whole day, wow.

I made my bed before going to the bathroom and freshening myself up.

Did I dream what happened yesterday? It still feels like it was a fever dream.

I put my school uniform on and packed my bag before going downstairs into the kitchen.
„Good morning, Amaya. How are you feeling? You look a lot better.“
My sister was smiling at me and I nodded before taking the bento box of the table.
„I see. So you weren't that sick after all, since you managed to make some porridge.“
I looked at her confused before looking at the pot she was pointing to.


I lifted the lid from the pot and looked at the good smelling and still slightly warm content. Rice and cut vegetables.
I smiled and put the lid back on before taking my bag and leaving out of the door.

I didn't dream after all, I have to thank him. I don't remember if I did or if I just fell asleep.

I looked at the clear sky and took small steps since I still had a lot of time before the first lesson started.
I wasn't really sure whether to participate in sports classes today but I would try.

I'll see how I'll feel, I'm still a little dizzy.

I looked at the bento box in my hands, gripping it tightly.

I want to try Narutos cooking again...wait why am I thinking about him right now? Am I crazy?

I blushed a little and hit myself lightly against my head, before running the last meters to the school building.
„Good morning!“, I turned around at the voice of Sakura, that greeted me smiling and greeted her back with a nod.
„You were sick yesterday, right? Do you feel better?“ She put her hand on my forehead and was trying to check if I was still hot, but my fever was already completely gone.
„Yes, thanks for asking, Sakura.“
I walked with her to our classroom, before putting my stuff down and sitting infront of my desk. There weren't a lot of people in the classroom yet, but it was still pretty early so I didn't think of it much.
It was getting hellish hot as the minutes passed and I proceeded to open the window next to my desk, as I heard voices right down on the campus.
My eyes immediately concentrated on a few boys apparently stealing a girl's pocket money.

How disgusting.

Without a thought in my head I rushed downstairs and ran to the place I just saw these rowdys roughing up the girl.
„Hey, what's going on here?“
I walked towards them and they blushed while looking rather flustered.
„O-Oh, it's Amaya, let's leave.“
They bowed down and made their way towards the school building.

They're all the same, aren't they? Boys.

I looked at the blonde girl in front of me and sighed a little before picking up her stuff and giving it to her. She was in my height and to my surprise was wearing pants instead of a skirt.


„Hey, are you alright? Did they take your money?“, I carefully started a conversation with her, which is why she turned her head to face me. She was really pretty, with rather short hair and green emerald-like eyes.
She smiled at me and shook her head.
„It's totally fine, I'm accustomed to it, but thank you a lot for helping me. My name is Ahi!“
I took her hand that she was offering me and smiled back at her. She seemed rather energetic and positive and I kind of felt like she didn't need my help at all.
„Why would boys treat a pretty girl like you this way?“ I picked up her bag and looked back up at her and could now notice tears forming in her eyes.

Did I say something wrong? She was just smiling..

I wanted to ask her if something I said upset her, when she suddenly hugged me and pressed her face on my shoulder.
„So you think I'm a girl? Thank you so much, Senpai*“
I was confused but still embraced her, as I felt like she needed that right now.
„What do you mean? Did I get your gender mixed up?“ She let go off me and wiped her face, before grinning.
„No, you're totally right! I am a girl, but I was born in the body of a boy. That's why the boys in my class treat me this way, Senpai!“

My brain needed a moment until I understood what she was implying.

She's transgender, that's something you don't see a lot of times in Japan..

I put my hand on her head, before looking at my watch.
„I have to go or I'll be late, take care Ahi. If you need anything, let me know. My classroom is 378.“

I didn't let her say anything back and walked as fast as I could back inside.

She seems so fragile, I hope she'll be alright.

I gave her a last glance before I disappeared inside the building.

Well that was rather interesting, wasn't it?

I proceeded to sit back on my chair seconds before the teacher arrived.

I do meet only the most interesting people in this school.


Senpai: A Japanese honorific used when someone is older than you in age or they have more experience in a field than you. The opposite being Kouhai.

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