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The waves touched my feet as I stood in front of the wide ocean, breathing in the cold and somewhat salty air, allowing myself to close my eyes and rest in the hands of the calm wind. The sun was setting as the day was coming to a close end, however the beach was still as vivid as ever. In a distance, I could still hear Shikome and Sasuke in what seemed a discussion about whether Onigiri taste better warm or cold and Dahlin trying to stop them from being too loud.
It was a nice few hours we spent together, chatting and sunbathing, while some of them even enjoyed the refreshing feeling of the water on their skin.

My thought process and my calm moment was however interrupted as a ball hit my head so fast and hard that I lost my balance and fell forward, stopping my face to hit the sand with my hands but because of that, feeling an aching sensation in my wrist.
My mind went blank for a second, my eyes closing as I felt dizzy from the hit. I allowed myself to gather the courage to stand up, but as I tried, I felt dizzy again. Another fall was stopped by a body catching me as I stumbled onto it.
„You okay?"
I lifted my head to look at the person before being able to stand by myself and letting go of him.

What a stupid fucking coincidence. Everybody and their momma on the beach today or what?

I looked at the very familiar face in front of me and sighed. I didn't hate seeing him but I would be lying if I said I was happy about it.
„I'm fine Gaara, thanks. Just be more careful next time, that ball could have killed somebody.", I replied while touching the spot the ball hit my head. The headache I would feel later would be immense.
„Are you with friends here?", I asked him to start a casual conversation as the silence was growing awkward and he shook his head. For a second there, his face looked pretty sad.
„No, with my siblings. Temari and Kankuro." He picked up the volleyball and looked me into my eyes, which made me shiver. Gaara's eyes are really beautiful but they have something that always makes me feel uncomfortable. Something he tries to hide and only I can see. It's something I felt my whole life as well, loneliness.
„That's great, tell them I said hi. I'll go back now. Take care, okay?", I tried to finish the conversation but he stopped me by grabbing my wrist. I looked back at him and waited until he said what he wanted to say, however he was just staring at me. Observing my facial expressions.
„Amaya, are you happy right now?"
His question made me feel tense and I raised my eyebrows. Whatever I am, I don't think anyone would describe that as being happy. I am solely living, existing for the mere purpose of having no real choice and stumbling on the path I call my own destiny.
Saying I am happy would be more of a lie than anything else I ever said.

However, the image of a blonde, cheeky idiot crossed my mind and I became unsure whether I was really just living and existing. The faces of my friends, my sister made it even clearer. There was something else I was living for. I might not be 100% happy right now and I might never reach those 100% but there's a slight possibility that I could at least reach 50% and why not aim for the highest number?

„Are you?", I asked him instead of replying to his question and he looked me into my eyes again. This time however they didn't make me uncomfortable. His gaze felt warm and he seemed calm.
„I don't know. But I'm happy to see you again. The person that once was my only friend. The flashy Amaya."
Even though I hated him reminding me of my past, of the ugly things that happened, this time I smiled back at the memories I had with Gaara. It was true, he was my only friend and I was his only friend. We were always together and no matter how flashy and annoying I was, he was the only one to not turn his back on me. Until he had to move out of his uncle's place to live with his father again. And I was once again, alone. The flashy, annoying Amaya.
„I'm also happy to see you, though I'd love if you wouldn't remind me of the past all the time."
I laughed a little and even he allowed a smile to crawl into his face.

I didn't expect my day at a beach to end with a conversation with Gaara but I didn't specifically hate it either.
„I'm sorry, I'll stop if you like. But only if you promise me that we'll spend more time together from now on. Is that...okay?", he seemed hesitant asking that and without a second thought I agreed. There was nothing speaking against spending time with him and even more I was happy to be able to reconnect with somebody who helped me have a rather nice childhood despite everything that happened.
„Of course that's okay."
I handed him my phone and he let go off my wrist to type in his number. As we chatted a little bit more, the sun completely left the sky, leaving the earth in darkness, that only the moon lightened up a little.
The time passed so quick and as it became more cold, I looked around to find at least one of my friends.
„Here, wear this." Gaara offered me his hoodie and after a few attempts to decline it, I ended up accepting it and putting it over my shirt.

The warmth felt nice and there was a sweet kind of scent on it.

Strawberry and mint.

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