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Rumors started spreading like rapidfire and soon I was known as the person that talked to Uzumaki Naruto.

So, is that why Dahlin told me to avoid the victims? And also the reactions of everyone were kind of weird when I talked to him. It's been a while since I've seen him too, I hope nothing happened because of me.

I made my way to my locker and put my books in, before looking around for a bit. I was kind of lucky, since everyone was still nice to me, probably because of my looks. Somehow the rumor also spread that I was a celebrity or the child of a celebrity. Which was partly true.

I took my lunchbox out and started heading outside. It was a nice day, a little windy but still pretty warm.
Dahlin couldn't eat with me today because of club activities, so I was going to eat outside by myself. Sakura and her friend Ino invited me to eat lunch with them, but I kindly rejected. I was going to draw a little of the scenery outside and I needed peace and quiet for that.

I walked around for a bit, looking for an empty bench, when I heard some boys yelling behind the building at what seems an other student. I stopped and listened, when I heard my name drop.
„Stay away from her, do you understand? Or we will fucking kill you!“
I rolled my eyes and waited behind the wall until they were finished hitting that student. I wasn't going to intervene as it was none of my concern but I did feel a little of guilt, which is why I was going to help that person after those rowdys disappeared.
I didn't want to get involved with those so called victims at all, I didn't want anything to do with them, but I couldn't stop myself from remembering the times I was bullied as well and no one stood up for me.
When the noises went down, I stepped behind the wall and started walking to the spot.

Oh it's Naruto again.

He was bleeding, his uniform was all roughed up and he looked at me teary-eyed.
I couldn't stop myself from feeling bad for him. Dahlin told me to stay away from them, so that I wouldn't make life harder for them. But it's because of me, that he got beaten today. Maybe I wasn't the reason initially but I was definitely a reason.
„Man,you look all types of fucked up.“, I forced myself to smile and approached him a little more before lending him my hand.
„Come on, I'll bring you to the infirmary.“

(Narutos POV)

„Stay away from her, do you understand? Or we will fucking kill you!“
I didn't care if they hit me, I didn't care if they threatened me. But I would never stay away from her. I love her, I could never not love her.
I wanted and needed her by my side. She's mine, and mine only and I would never give her up for anything.

I sighed as I sat on the floor and looked at the blood dripping down from my forehead.
Every day is the same, they find a reason to hit me and they don't stop until they're tired of it.
But there's a difference. Now, I have a reason to endure this pain. I have a reason to take the suffering.
I looked up, when I saw steps coming towards me and saw the person I wanted to see the most right now.
I looked at her and all the pain I felt was gone and replaced by a sudden warmth.
„Man,you look all types of fucked up.“
I blushed a little out of embarrassment and wiped the blood from my nose.

It's embarrassing seeing her while looking like this, but atleast I get to see her. I didn't see her for 72 hours and 5 minutes.

„Come on, I'll bring you to the infirmary.“
She held out her hand to me and I stared at it for a bit. Her skin was flawless but I saw tiny little scars on her palm. Even though I was curious, I didn't even dare asking and rather took the opportunity presented to hold her hand in mine. She pulled me up and I felt the parts of my hand she touched, tickle.
„Let's go.“ She went on ahead and I hesitantly followed her. She seemed calm walking next to me and not even a little bothered by the fact that we were being stared at.

She is really different from everyone else I've ever met. I think I'm crazily in love with her.

I looked at her for a short moment before arriving at the infirmary. She wasn't a lot shorter than me, actually I felt like we were the same height. Today she smelled like cigarettes and strawberry yogurt.
„Doesn't seem like there's anyone here.“, she pointed out which made me look inside the room now too.

Even if there was.. no one would like to treat me.

„It's fine, I'm accustomed to it, I'll just go to my classes.“, I replied and bit my tongue harshly.
I didn't want to continue bothering her but I'd also like to spend more time with her. I missed her, not seeing her for 3 days drove me crazy.
„Nah, sit down. I'll take care of you, I know how to do the bare minimum.“
I looked at her in surprise and felt my heartbeat going crazy once again.
Not only does she care about my well being, she's also offering to take care of me. She must be an angel, no doubt.

I sat down as she requested and slowly looked at her as she seemingly looked for something. Not only was she beautiful, she also had a kind soul.
„Okay, this might hurt. Don't move though.“
Whenever she looked at me, her eyes were not filled with anger, disgust or even hatred. She was the first person to look at me with no such emotions.
„So, why are you being treated like that, if it's fine for me asking.“
I let her disinfect my abrasions and thought about a good enough answer.

Why? I don't know either..

„I don't remember, I've spend my whole life like that..“
I didn't want pity from her and as expected her face stayed neutral even after my words.
„And where are these from?“
She gently touched my scars on my cheeks, making me blush at her fingers caressing my skin.

Wow.. the way she touches me..

„I'm not sure, I think I was born with them.“
I mustered up the courage to slowly put my hand on hers and nearly screamed out of joy.
„That's an odd thing to be born with.“, she replied and looked at my hand on hers, firmly squeezing it as if I was scared she would let go soon.
I didn't want this moment to end.

She put the bandaid and disinfectant away and proceeded to look at me.
„No one ever treated me the way you do, everybody hates me.. but you're nice to me. Why?“
I looked at her, eyes wide opened.
I want her to say that she loves me. I'll make her love me no matter what.
„To be honest, I don't know. I just don't treat anyone badly unless they give me a reason to, that's mostly it.“

I slowly nodded and stood up again, walking towards her and then looking her in the eyes.
„Amaya, I love you.“

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