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„The school is way too big, I already don't like it.“
I complained to my friend on our way to school the next day and watched the sun slowly go up as it was still pretty early in the morning.
„You never like anything. Just shut up and live with it. “, Dahlin replied and proceeded to put her arm around my shoulders.
It was hot, as every summer morning and even though I never really liked hot weather, I preferred it over cold weather.
„Yea, yea. I know.“
We entered the school building once again and parted ways, as I still had to check out were my new locker would be at.
The halls were pretty empty at this time and I was really happy about not being surrounded by too many people yet.
My locker number was 1010, so located at the furthest point away from the classrooms.

Of course it was me, who would end up with that stupid locker.

I opened the locker after putting in the combination and checked out the space inside, before placing the books I didn't need yet, inside of it.
Today I didn't have a lot of classes surprisingly, so I might be able to get home earlier. Not that I want to, thinking about how my dad will be there today to visit, but it's better than staying in school of course.

I slowly made my way back the hall, ignoring the pestering glances of the students passing me. Here and there I could hear "Wow, she's so pretty" or "Who is she, a model?" but these type of compliments irritated me more than anything else which is why I kept my eyes on the floor in front of me.
I didn't like being stared at like a zoo attraction and I never liked these senseless superficial compliments.

Oh my, I think I just hate people in general.

I slowly stopped walking when I saw feet right before me and looked up to meet the ocean-blue eyes once again.

That's the guy from yesterday..

(??? POV)

I decided that today I would talk to her and find out her name. I don't know in which class she is or how I'm going to find her around all these students, but I hope I'll be atleast lucky today.

My eyes started moving around rapidly and concentrated on finding that white haired girl again, that I was so eager to talk to. I want to smell her scent again, I want her to touch my skin again.

I trembled at my own thoughts and put my glasses on before listening in to conversations of other students.
„She's so beautiful, is she a celebrity or something?“
„Wow, I've never seen someone as pretty as her attend our school.“
„She's probably a model!“

I looked around trying to identify who  they were talking about and at best also tried to avoid anyone noticing me. But that was rather easy, since everyone ignored me.

My eyes went up, when someone stopped right in front of me and I saw the white hair.

It's her.. I found her.. I found her, oh my god.

She looked up, her face was rather bored but her eyes were sparkling a little.

I was wrong yesterday.. when I saw her in the dark, she was already pretty, but now that I see her in the light of the day.. she's gorgeous.

My face turned red but I couldn't stop staring at her. She was mesmerizing.
But my daydreams stopped, as she slowly started walking around me and I tried my best to loosen up a little and speak to her.
I wasn't really sure, if she was even going to respond. Now that we were around other people.

„Hey, wait a second. Please. “
I was a little nervous and feared she would ignore me. I don't care about anyone else, but I don't want her to ignore me.

She stopped, turned around and looked at me. Once again her eyes met mine and I felt my heartbeat going crazy.

Fuck.. I don't know what to say. I'm nervous.

„Thanks for yesterday, I'm Uzumaki Naruto.. “, I slowly said while putting my trembling hands in the pockets of my jacket.
I felt everybody looking at us and the halls filling with silence. Everyone expected her to turn around and ignore me, or insult me. Or even mock me. I know that everyone did.

„Don't sweat it, kid. Oh, and I'm Amaya.“

Amaya.. Amaya!!.

I gasped a little as I was surprised but also full of joy. She actually talked to me, she acknowledged my existence!

No one ever talked to me, that was the first time in my entire life that someone treated me like a human. I wanted to say something, but my lips were sealed.
She waited, apparently for me to say something back, but I just couldn't. My world suddenly twisted.
„Well, I see that you didn't use the bandaid I gave you yesterday. Do you need help or something? You still look pretty shaken up.“
Her voice sounded like heaven, words could simply not explain how beautiful she sounded. Her scent tickled me a little and even though I usually didn't like the scent of cigarettes, I loved it in combination with her.
„No, I could never use it.“, I blatantly said, not forming a second thought behind my words and regretting them soon after.

The fuck are you talking about, Naruto? She's going to misunderstand you.

She noticed everybody staring at us, which is why she looked around a little. I felt.. shame. And guilt. I didn't want her to know what a outcast and loser I was. I wanted her to see me, and only me.
„Alright then, well take care, okay?“
She looked at me once more before starting to move again but this time I stopped her.
„Wait, are you an upperclassman?“
She turned around while still moving and signed a 3 with her hand before smiling softly and continuing to walk down the hall.

My heart stopped and I turned red once again.

She... smiled at me.

I felt my lips forming a smile of themselves and grabbed my bag a little tighter. She's in 3rd grade, she's 2 years older than me then, which means she's 19.
I couldn't control my heart beat while my mind kept replaying that very moment she smiled at me.

She's... mine.

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