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„Alright, since everyone ran their tracks,you're free to go home.“
I sighed relieved and put my jacket on. The evening coldness slowly creeped in and I didn't want to catch a cold once more.
My eyes drifted to the Freshmen that were eagerly talking about their plans for the weekend. Naruto went to the bathroom so I hesitantly took my bag and started walking.

It's not like I have to wait for him. Also I don't think he expects me to wait.

I was a little exhausted and the now pleasant warm weather made me even more sleepy.
I didn't have any plans for the weekend in particular, nor did I want to have any plans. I was looking forward to reading the newest chapter of One Piece once it released and would be busy checking out the new coming Anime of this season.
„Hey, you.“
I raised my head at the me unknown voice and looked up to him, he was standing right in front of me, hands in his pockets as if he was awaiting my arrival.
„You're Amaya, aren't you?“
I nodded as I was too tired to give him a vocal reply, he didn't seem to mind too much as he reached out to give me something. I looked at the content in his hand palm and widened my eyes a bit.
„Wow, did I drop that during P.E? Thanks so much.“
I took my student ID card back and put it in my backpack. I had it on me during P. E for attendance and must have dropped it while running my tracks.
„No need to thank me, it was in my favor to meet you anyway.“.
I looked back up to him and took my time now to examine him. Dark red hair, really unnatural looking, no eyebrows, which was weird to see too, light blue eyes, even lighter than Narutos and deep dark circles around his eyes.
He had several piercings on both his ears and a tattoo on his forehead that spelled out the word "love" and a tattoo on his neck that looked like a dragon head.

I was trying to figure out what he meant when he said he was in favor of meeting me, when he suddenly reached out to my hair.
„It's amazing, that you didn't dye it black, like you said you would.“
I looked at him confused, until it suddenly clicked.
„Gaara, is that you?... No way.“
I murmured my words slightly louder than a whisper and stared at him.

Yes, the hair, the eyes. I do recognize him, but he looks so different. All these tattoos and piercings.. and the dark circles. Did something happen?

„Yea, it's me.“
He smiled and I returned his smile with a brighter one.

That's actually crazy. The only friend I had in elementary and middle school, is now a freshman... time sure does pass.

Wow you're suddenly way taller than me. What the fuck have you been eating?“, I tried to liften the mood up and poked his chest a little, which was to my surprise, not soft at all.
„We grow up, don't we? You don't seem as flashy as you used to be.“
A lot of childhood memories flooded my head when he said those words and I felt a headache coming soon.

Right.. Gaara knows my old me. The way I used to act.. for attention.

I forced a smile and couldn't bring myself to say anything to that topic. It was hurtful memories.
„And you're cheekier than I remember you to be.“, I replied and took a step towards him.
„Well, I gotta go. I'll see you next time.“
I walked off and reached for my cigarettes and my lighter in my pocket. Even though I thought the interaction did not faze me, I noticed my hands shaking a little.

That's just amazing..

Frustrated, I lit up my cigarette and looked at the calm evening sun.

{Narutos POV}

Weird... did I just see Amaya and Gaara talk with each other? Or was I imagining things?

I followed her after she left and took a quick glance at Gaara. He was grinning, but not in an evil weird way, but in a way too nice way for him.
I hurried to catch up to my Amaya and grabbed her by the wrist when I finally did.
„Amaya,you left without me?“, I asked her pouting and looked at her. She seemed calm, but a little too calm. Expressionless.
This was also the first time I saw her smoke, her hand was trembling.
„I didn't know you wanted me to wait.“, she replied, her voice seeming normal like any other day, but her body language said a lot.
„Alright, then now you know. Are you okay? Should I take your bag? You must be tired.“
She smiled at me and shook her head before taking my hand that was holding her wrist.
„Thanks for worrying, but do you actually care? I meant to ask for a long time already but, I'd like to know.“
I looked at her and gently squeezed her hand.
„What a question, of course I care. I love you so much, I think my heart will explode everytime I see you. I only want you to be happy, that's the only thing I wish for the most, Amaya. That's why...if something is going on, please tell me.“
She didn't pull her hand back nor did she complain about me saying something like that, which she usually would do.
She just kept walking, with a quite not interpretable look at her face. Even though I was holding her hand, she felt so far away at this exact moment.

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