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„Uhm.. Amaya? Why.. did you bring him with you?“
I looked at Sakura, who seemed slightly disgusted at the sight of Naruto, which kind of irritated me a little but as usual I didn't really show it on my face.
„Well, he's going to eat lunch with us. Is there a problem with that?“, I asked with a nonchalant tone before sitting down and letting him take his seat next to me.
She seemed like she wanted to say something, but she decided not to. Dahlin also seemed a little confused but not unhappy with my decision to let him join us.
He stood quiet and didn't say anything.

Maybe he's a little shy. He did say, he's been ignored by everyone so far. I do genuinely feel bad for him.

I looked at him while unwrapping my bento box, his eyes laid calm on me, which startled me a bit and made me turn my head away.

Why is he staring at me.. how uncomfortable.

I got my chopsticks out, before pushing my bento box a little to his perimeter.
„You want to share?“

(Narutos POV)

„You want to share?“
I looked into her eyes and felt my own widening a little.

I get to taste Amayas home-cooked meal? Are you fucking serious?? This must be a whole dream!! Ain't no way she wants to give me her self made food. Are we married already? It feels like we are.

„Sure.“, I tried to calmly reply and grabbed the chopsticks, she was offering me before slowly taking some of the food and putting it into my mouth.
A few seconds later my mouth was filled with a foul taste and odor, that made me choke and nearly cough out the food again.
„Ah, as I knew.“, she murmured and looked at the bento box in front of us. I tried not to spit the food out and forced myself to swallow, before getting my water bottle out, to aggressively drink some.
„My sister Jia really does suck at making food and yet she still insists on making my bento.“
I looked at Amaya confused until realization hit me.

So that wasn't Amayas homemade food.. I nearly died for nothing!! Fuck!

I looked at her disappointed and gave her her chopsticks back, which she used to try a little of the food as well.
She seemed to like it, which left me even more baffled.

Wow, she can eat that? But she's so adorable while eating..

I watched her eat the food and smiled through it. She ate pretty fast and seemed to inhale the food like a vacuum. The chopsticks that touched my lips, met hers too, making me fantasize about how her tongue would feel on mine.

I blushed and tried not to make it too obvious, watching her until she finished eating before grabbing my own sandwich and taking a bite out of it.
„Can I try this?“ I looked at her as she was pointing at my sandwich and I immediately held it out to her.
„Of course, you can have a bite!“
I felt a little nervous as her hand slowly wrapped around mine, while she took a bite directly out of the bread instead of taking it out of my hand first. Her skin brushing mine felt amazing, a sensation I couldn't really describe.

She does eat a lot.. maybe I should bring her a sandwich to school from now on.

„Oh, look! Shikome and Sasuke are coming!“
I didn't bother looking up, as I didn't care about anyone else, but this guy sat right next to Amaya, which made me raise an eyebrow.

Are they friends? No, No.. she can't be friends with a man! I should be the only man in her entire life!

I clenched my fists and looked at the short haired girl, that sat next to the pinkhaired girls. She seemed like a relaxed girl, but she was side eyeing that Sasuke guy a lot.
„Dahlin, you have to beat Sasuke up. He took my lunch again, and if I beat him up, he's going to die.“, she said in a calm voice but with a certain dark aura around her, that gave me shivers.
„Sasuke, you jerk! You shouldn't be taking the lunch of a beautiful lady, buy her a new one.“, the girl with the name Dahlin yelled at him and pointed with her finger at her.
He just rolled his eyes and took the sandwich I gave Amaya right out of her hand, before biting into it.
„See? I took Amayas lunch too.. are you going to kill me now, Shikome?“, he grinned at her and got up, but he couldn't stop chewing before the short haired girl, named Shikome, went at him full speed and they both disappeared as fast as they appeared.
„My food..“
I quickly looked at Amaya that genuinely seemed like she was about to cry, which made me get up so fast, my iron deficiency nearly made me faint.
„No worries, I, Uzumaki Naruto, will get you more food!!“, I sprinted to the food aisle and bought as many snacks, as I could find.

(Amayas POV)
I followed Naruto with my eyes, before looking at Sakura and Dahlin.

I guess he's kind of adorable.

„Amaya, you shouldnt hang out with him. You know the rumors about him, don't you?“
I shook my head and looked at her, while taking a sip out of my ice tea.

„Apparently, he killed his girlfriend in middle school.“

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