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I looked at him confused and shook my head in disbelief.
„You what?“, I asked bewildered and took a towel to dry my hands.

What did he just say? Love? After barely 5 days of knowing each other and interacting only 2 of those? Is he crazy.

„I fell in love with you!“
I looked at him surprised now, as his face was full of determination.

What is he on about? Love because of my beauty, is that it?
I never heard anyone say that they love me.. not even my parents care to say, as they're too busy pestering Jia with all the love they have.

„But-“ I wanted to say something but he interrupted me and looked me straight into my eyes.
„I fell in love with your kindness, with your honesty. I fell in love with the way you care even for a loser like me.. I love your heart, that decided to help me 2 times now, even though everyone ignores me and my suffering. I fell in love with your.. beautiful personality that I got to see these past days, Amaya. I love you so much.“

I widened my eyes and felt my heart beat a little faster, as my face turned red.

Is he serious? My personality? He fell in love with my boring, one sided personality?

(Narutos POV)

I stared into her face as she turned red and started turning red myself.

She's so cute. Is this a rare sight to see? I could stare at her for hours. But I want to know what she's going to say. Is she going to call me crazy or stupid? I want to shower her with my love.

„Amaya...I will make you fall in love with me, no matter what. You will fall in love with me.“
I looked for a reaction but she was still quite in shock, which left me worried.
„Well..“, she started her sentence and cleared her throat before nodding and taking a step back.
„Well then, I give you the permission to love me. But if you're weird about it, I'll take that permission away again!“, she stuttered a lot while trying to form a sentence, which made her even more adorable in that scenario. She avoided direct eye contact and tried to hide her blushing.

„Really?“ I was surprised at her rather positive reaction and started smiling brightly.

So she loves me too? Is that it? That must be it! She's mine now, forever and ever and ever and ever..

„Now, I told you not to make it weird, okay? And, stop looking at me like that.“
She turned around and I stared at her back, my urges to touch her that I've been trying to ignore, became stronger and I hugged her from behind, while pressing my face on the warm skin of her neck.

Oh my God..her skin is so warm and soft.

„That.. don't do that when we're with other people, alright? We're not dating.. “, she mumbled but I completely ignored her words as her warmth was making me feel so many emotions at once.
Love, Happiness, Lust..

„Naruto, let go.“
I let go off her almost immediately and looked at her happily when she turned around to face me.

(Amayas POV)

I looked at him smiling like a sweet little puppy and sighed a little. Not out of frustration but this interaction made me a little exhausted.

Too much just happened. He seems super clingy and also he's in love with me because apparently my personality made him fall in love? I never heard anyone say that before. His words touched me a little..

„I couldn't even start eating because of all of this..“
I looked at my bentobox still laying on the table and he followed my eyes.
„We can go eat together if you want.“
I looked at him as he was offering that and I agreed on it. I didn't mind spending time with him as friends, I'm not a person to hate someone simply because everyone else hated them. If I don't have a reason to treat him like an asshole, I wouldnt.
„Alright, let's go. Maybe we'll meet Dahlin on the way to the cafeteria.“

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