2: who are you?

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"i've had a long list of lovers, but none of them matter except for you" - cigarettes after sex

Nyx's pov:

I woke up in a strange room, one I didn't recognize. Where am I? My head...it's killing me, it hurts so bad. What happened?

I tried to remember as much as I can, and what had happened to me before I passed out. my arms burned, my vision becoming blurry and then someone caughting me. He's voice sounded smug and arrogant. and i can't stand it... he sounded so cruel and said something about me belonging to him? WTF!

I quietly got up and looked around the room I was in. This is so strange, None of this makes any sense... I noticed a faintly glowing object on a desk and decided to walk over to it.

It was a book, written in a language I can't understand. When looking at the book, I noticed it was locked and there was no key to be found. forget about the book. it's probably written in the same language when i open it anyways. I don't have time to worry about something like that, I need to find a way out of here.

I was trying to look for a way out, so once again I was looking around the room, desperate to escape.

"What do you think you're doing sweetheart? I never said you could leave darling " I turn around and see a tall man, with blond hair and golden eyes. "Who the hell are you!? And why am I here!?" ​​​​​​All he did was smirk.

"My my, you sure are a feisty one sweetheart. I'd watch your tongue if I were you, after all, it is quite rude to speak to your savior in that manner"


"savior? really? you expect me to believe that? please, savior my ass. like I would believe someone who kidnapped me"

"I suppose if you won't trust me, I guess I'll just have to earn your trust my darling Nyx. I guess an introduction is in order. It was quite rude of me to not tell you my name first, so I apologize. My name is Lucien, prince of demons" He picks up my hand and gives it a kiss. "And you, my dear, are going to be my wife"

I pull back my hand away from him "Demon?! wife?! like hell i would be a crazy man's wife. no way that's even possible, Demons arent real? are they?"

"Oh? So you don't believe me? What a shame. I suppose I'll have to show you then, though I'll warn you. It's probably going to be too much for your little human brain to handle. " As he said that, his eyes glowed a brighter gold, and two horns appeared upon his head.

While this happened, I stood there, frozen in fear. Lucien as he claimed to be, was laughing, amused by my fearful expression.

"The look on your face is so damn cute, it's amazing. So do you believe me now, my little human?" this isn't real...no no no... this can't be happening! they're real!

"Oh, I'm sorry little human, but this is reality...and there's nothing you can do to change that sweetheart"

i take a step back each time the demon walked closer towards me until my back hit the wall. He put one hand on my cheek, and looked down at me, I probably looked so fragile and scared, like I could break at any moment, and I was.

He got closer to my face and whispered "I will have you, and I will make you mine" pressing his lips onto mine...

Luciens pov:

After I had caught her, I took her to hell, literally. I am a demon after all.

I watched her as she slept, tempted to go ahead and make her mine, so the other three couldn't make their claim on what was rightfully mine after all. Though, for some reason, I decided to resist those urges, even though it was hard for me too do. Playing with her and earning her trust while slowly making her fall into my hand was something I was even fonder of. But seeing that scared expression of hers when I showed her what I really was, I couldn't get enough of it.

What a small fragile little thing she is, I could easily break her right now, but she's so damn perfect...perfect to be my wife, my queen. That sweet scent of her is enough to make me want to go nuts.

The girl took a step back each time I walked closer towards her until her back hit the wall.

Running away? Is she scared of me? Now, I can't have that, can I?, I thought.

I put one hand on her cheek and looked down at her. I got closer to her face and whispered... "I will have you, and I will make you mine" Pressing my lips into hers. I was determined to make her mine, and those who tried to stop me would perish.

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