16: dead?

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"I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow; if I fail, or if I succeed at least I did as I believe." ― Whitney Houston

Luciens pov:

I was sitting in my room, quietly waiting to hear the news of my mate's return. I sat there, the clock ticking with each passing second. I finally heard a knock at my door. "Come in," I said. The door opened, revealing one of my guards. "Sir. She has returned."

"Good. Have the maids take her to her room and have Akryn return to his room."

"But your highness, wasn't Akryn supposed to be executed?" I rolled my eyes and waved him off. "I've changed my mind. He brought her back. I didn't hear his side of the story anyway. I'll let him live this time and give him a warning. "

"As you wish. The girl should be ready in about an hour "

"Good, now leave " He did as he was told and left the room. Nyx, My love...you've returned...

An hour passed and I quickly got myself ready, making my way to my mate's room. Perhaps I'll try to be a bit nicer to her this time? If I want her to accept me, then I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try that. I was In front of her door. Taking a deep breath I quietly opened her door. The room was dark. She must be asleep...

I walked over to her nightstand and lit a candle. There we go. That's enough to be able to see where we're both walking now. I heard her stir around in her bed. "So beautiful..." I whispered. I stood at the end of her bed watching her. Yes, creepy but I didn't care. She finally woke up.

"I see you've woken up sweetheart," I said. I saw her slowly look up to face me.

"Lucien..." I flashed her a sly smile. "I told you before sweetheart, it's no use, you can't escape me." She growled at me. "fuck you!"

oh... i will... but not now

" Feisty as always I see"

"What did you do with the other three?! Tell me!"

"Don't tell me you're actually worried about those idiots? If you really want to know I guess I can tell you. Your little friend, Draven, is most likely dead. Your guard, Akryn, had been possessed. I was gonna have him killed but, I think I'll spare his pathetic life and keep him like this. Oh and about the last one..." A blood-curdling scream was heard from below. " That was Malik. He's in the torture chamber's " i saw her eyes widened in disbelief. "N-No... please.... "

I couldn't help but feel a little jealous over her concern for the other demons and not me. Must be nice to have someone worry over you...

"Oh? You're begging? I'll make you a deal. If you promise to not escape me again, be a good girl and do as you're told...I won't let Malik die, and I'll think about freeing Akryn of his possession and give him another chance. What do you say? " Akryn however was going to be given another chance, but of course I saw no need to tell her that.

"What's the catch...that seems too easy." I laughed "You're right I do want one more thing in exchange" She looked at me curiously."What's that?"

'You have to kiss me"

"Fine...I'll do it. If it means the others will be safe..." I stayed quiet. What the hell am I thinking...? Instead, I took my hand and stroked her face. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"You're not hurt are you?"

She looked at me confused. "No, of course not why would I-" Before she could finish I pulled her into a warm embrace. "I'm so glad. I was so worried you could have gotten hurt..."

"I'm fine...you don't have to worry about me..." I held her closer. "Of course I do. I love you, Nyx" i pulled away and stared at her green eyes.

"Y-You what?"

I got closer to her face. "Do I need to repeat myself?" I let out a low growl, causing the female to have a light pink glow dusted on her cheeks. I chuckled. "So I was right...You do like that. " She got closer to him. "S-Shut up...no I don't " I smirked. "I bet I know something you do like." I closed the gap between us, kissing her. slowly I pulled away and looked at her.

"That." I said. Her face was multiple shades of red. "I-Idiot..." She replied. I laid down next to her and held her close to me. "I mean it, Nyx. I love you." I've changed my mind, I refuse to use her as a vessel for my own personal gain. She means too much to me

Dravens pov:

"Shush, it's just me princess...someone is here...and it's not Malik..." I let go of her and put a finger over my mouthing, telling her to be quiet.

That scent...there's no way...it's him... I know I can take him...but will Nyx be okay...I can't let her get hurt...

I smelled the air once more, fear coursing through my veins..."That's definitely him...I know that scent anywhere"


I looked at my mate, trying to not seem worried in front of her. "It's Akryn" I whispered. "Go find somewhere to hide"She looked at me, confused. "But...he's a demon, won't he smell me?" I flashed a quick smile and handed her a small bracelet. "Put it on," I said. "It keeps demons from tracking your scent." She did as she was told and put on the bracelet.

"Did it work?" She asked. "I can't smell your scent, so I suppose it did. Good. Now, go hide and be quiet. Don't come out for any reason, unless I tell you too." I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me. I followed his scent and leading me to the living room.

"what do you want, Akryn? '' I saw the familiar brunette stand in my living room.

"Where's the girl" Akryn asked. Something's not right...His voice, it's different. I showed no signs of knowing something was off. "Unfortunately for you, Someone came and took her already. I don't know where she is now."


Shards of Ice were shot at me and I quickly dodged them. "Bloody Hell...I told you I don't know where she is." Twice as many Shards were shot at me, breaking the glass cabinets behind me as I dodged them " Tell me where she is! I know you're hiding her somewhere! "

Before I could stop him, Akryn picked me up by my throat. I got a hold of his wrist and attempted to burn it. However, Akryn didn't even flinch. What the hell? How's he so strong all of the sudden? Shouldn't my fire magic at least burn him? He didn't even flinch!

"WHERE IS SHE?! He squeezed my throat.


"I GUESS I'LL JUST HAVE TO FIND HER MYSELF THEN!" He threw me into my glass table. Akryn walked over, pressing his foot on my back, stomping on it repeatedly. "You. Fucking. Lying. Bastard! You just want Nyx all to yourself! Don't you?! I'll make sure that never happens! She's mine damn it! "I caught a blurry glimpse of Akryns face. His horns...they're showing...He has never done that..it's not like him.

Akryn kept stomping on my back, causing shards of glass to go into my body even further. I tried to get up, but Akryn was too strong. my vision started to get blurry and my body was feeling weak.

"How about you stay down like a good little prince? Bastard." I heard Akryn say. I closed my eyes and fell unconscious. Guess this is it for me...

I woke up in a small field, instantly recognizing it. This is...

I saw a younger Nyx run towards me. "Draven! You're here! I missed you!" She ran past me and went over to my younger self, tackling him into a hug. "Of course I'm here you idiot. I wouldn't miss your birthday princess, I promised to be here.'' I found myself smiling at the old memory. "Hey, Draven? Why do you call me that?" The younger male version of me turned several shades of red. " Um...w-why do you ask?! It's just a dumb nickname I don't have t-to call or that or anything! " She laughed, used to the typical behavior. "No, I love it! I'm just curious, silly."

​​​​​"Because... " Both of us said. "If I'm a prince...I'm going to make you my princess someday"my eyes snapped open, pain coursing through my body. "Fuck... my fucking body is killing me" Shards of glass were throughout my body, and a large gash that would surely leave a scar was below my right eye. I got up, knees weak. Get yourself together. You have to save your princess don't you dumbass? I'll get her back, no matter what.

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